Vamp Chronicles

 The Vamp Chronicles series has officially been signed over to Permuted Press!

Be on the lookout for more information regarding this acquisition in 2015.


Vamp Chronicles is a young adult paranormal vampire romance series that follows Lexi on her journey from awkward, overweight teen to strong, confident vampeen. It is the only vampeen series on the young adult market as ‘vampeen’ is a term coined by the author.


Book 1 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 2 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 3 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 3.5 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press as part of book 3, Hit the Road Jack.*

Book 4 of the Vamp Chronicles

**Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 5 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 5.5 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press as part of book 5, Darkness Falls.*

VIGILANTE: Mel’s Story
Book 6 of the Vamp Chronicles

*Re-releasing in 2015 via Permuted Press.*

Book 7 of the Vamp Chronicles

*To be released via Permuted Press.*


It seems many have not read the updates on this series. I have signed over the entire series to a publisher. I no longer have control over the release dates, this includes for the final book in the series. The publisher owns the rights to the entire series. The publisher has the entire series. It is up to them when these titles (re)release. Not me. I will post release dates as they are provided to me. Scouts honor.

1,427 thoughts on “Vamp Chronicles

      • Carol says:

        I love these books also, Can’t wait for book 4-7. The only thing I would change is Lex having feelings for just about every vamp she meets. It should be her and Kellen all the way.

      • amber wadsworth says:

        i have to say i am a 34 yr old woman and get get enough of these books, your writing is impeccable not so wrapped up in descriptions but gives you enough to get the idea, i love that you have written these with the thought of younger people reading them, my niece is excited to get them after i told her the premise. i love the thought you have put in these books and character development. what a great read you have provided me with dare i say i like them better than twilight!! i think so. i love that you reference books and how you have intertwined that in your book. i have recommended this book to all my old lady friends at the courthouse where i work and every corner i come around they are reading away there breaks and all! good job (i also love the way that you put a twist in with the world as it sits today and its defects) again good job!!

      • Monée says:

        I would like to thank you for writing such an amazing series. I also am wiring this urging you to do two things. The first would be to release book four, I have been sleepless for days reading the first three books. Once I reached the end of the story I wanted to cry, (mainly because my time burner is now finished.) thus spence is KILLING ME!!!! The second would be to signg a movie contract for this series. It may be cliché but I think it would do well in the box office. I love your work, it provides the distraction needed to survive my highly complicated life. Reading about Lexi’s problems allows meto feel better about my life. Please do not stop your hard work, I truly enjoy it.

      • jullie says:

        omg i know i read all 3 books in less than 2days someone said there is 7 books in the series well theyre all were so good so i cant wait to c wat happens love the series i love how lovell added twilight in it that is th best it is so much lije meyers books how thefes a love triangle CANTWAIT ITsTOTs THE Best
        p.s overcoming twilight

      • kamrynn says:

        Cant wait 4 the next book counting down for when it comes out on April 18 going 2 buy it as soon as it comes out along with my friends who r addicted to the series too!!

      • Sunni says:


    • Lejla Hodzic says:


      Ever since the books I haven’t stopped re-reading them like im not even joking IMAGINE they make a movie I would die 😀 this would be bigger then twilight

      PLS PLS dont stop writing Lex and Kellan are so cute and book 3 made me freak out because when I got on the last page I started saying “no this can’t be it. WHAT HAPPENS TO KELLAN! OR LEX OR THE BABY”

      And Im just gonna stop here becuz by the time i finish about how much I love this book im gonna be 54 😉 ❤

      • jullie says:

        well well i had that idea a million times i hope it will happen im going 2 tell all my friends 2 read this series thank u thank u i envy u as a writer

      • Sally says:

        I have only read one and now im starting number two (Vamp Yourself for War) and so wen i read ur comment and u said “WHAT HAPPENS TO KELLAN! OR LEX OR THE BABY” I started to freak out ’cause the book got spoiled 4 for me!! 🙂 So now im so tempted 2 read number 3!!! I have all the books that came out and im just sooooo excited to finish!!!

      • amber wadsworth says:

        i actually prefer kia, i love the true love in the story with kellan and lex, but i am a huge fan of kia as well! although cocky people cant deny that there is appeal in the fact that he is fun and protective and not wrapped in the cocoon of teen drama!! he is secure and i love that about him. maybe i am partial bc its my sons name but i have been waiting for the kellen drama to unfold although i would almost rather him just be captured for a while and eventually come back. i just hate to see kia heartbroken

      • christinlovell says:

        Unfortunately I’m still working on. I promise to provide a solid release date as soon as it’s sent to my editor, Susie. A good estimate would be a little over a week from then. Sorry for the delays!

    • Jennifer says:

      I just wanted to say I LOVE your books and have connected to them on a personal level!! You are an amazing writer and have found my FAV Vamp series!! Keep up the good work girly!!!! Can’t wait for the others!

    • alaysia says:

      okay, my heart is broken into one billion and one pieces. sorry for the depressing vibe i’m giving off, but i’ve read the vamp series 12 times over and over again in counting and i neeeeedddddd book four to complete my life. i know the summer is here and all, but can you give us a specific date as to when. i need more! lol i sound like a stalker, but i’m a reading freak.

      • Makayla says:

        Me too. I got all the books right away and finished them in like a day!!! I’m so team Kellan, though I still have a soft spot for Kai. Need book four now!!! 😀

      • meg says:

        So glad I am not the only one that has read the series more than 5 times it might be a little much but I love them so much!!!!!

    • amy says:

      I just have to tell you this was the first book series I bought on my new tablet two years ago I just love this series. I have read all of them that are out right now. You really know how to write a book I look forward to all your books. Can’t till the next one. Please keep kellan and lex together I just hate when Arthur’s take the main couple and break them up it ruins the books for me and I can’t read them anymore I can’t wait to read mel’s story

    • Crystal Kolarchick says:

      Darkness Falls cant come soon enough i fell in love with the story as soon as i read the first chapter of diary of a vampeen…so excited…

    • Imane says:

      OMG I have read all the books in about a month and i cant believe Darkness falls is only 2 days away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

    • Autumn says:

      Okay, first off, I FREAKING LOVEEE THIS SERIES!!!!!!! But I just want to know one thing, one reader posted that they didn’t want Kellan to die. Chrtisin, you put that in book three and four, he is very much alive but everything ties at the end of the series. What do you mean by that? I just DO NOT want him to die!!!! They were meant to be at the very beginning. He loved her for what she was and looked at at the time and was there for her. I REALLY just want them to be happily ever after!!!! Please commit back!!!

      • christinlovell says:

        People were wondering with the epilogue of book 3 if Kellan was alive, which was why I said he was definitely alive and well in book 4. I meant that it would all tie together as in the epilogue in book 3 will be tied into the final book from Lexi’s POV. It will all be one cohesive circle in the end, flowing and making sense from beginning to end. As for the future, I can only guarantee what has been published 😉

  1. Nicole poissant says:

    That was such a great book! It had vivid descriptions, I could picture everything Lex was talking about! and who doesn’t think vampeen dude is HOT! Twilight fits to move over! Please write more books!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! & I agree! lol My vamps are HOT! I absolutely plan to write more. Currently there are 7 books planned for the series.

      • Sarah foster says:

        Im so glad that there are more because im a senior in high school and they are the only books ive read and finished.

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you! I really hope you keep reading. It’s my favorite way to pass the time and escape, next to writing 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        No, sorry. Still in the writing phase for book 4. I promise to let everyone know when it is though 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        The series will remain a young adult series all the way through. I think adult issues tend to seep into teens’ worlds though, which is why I’ve included them. 🙂

      • Lejla Hodzic says:

        AHH 7 books thank god oh please when is the forth book coming out if it doesn’t come out soon i think im going to die please tell me Kellan does not die….. at the end of book 3 it was so confusing for me i was practically telling my self WHERES THE OTHER PAGE about 5 times i finished about 2 mins ago series is really good they should make a movie

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you! So glad you’re enjoying them! I’m still writing book 4, but plan to announce a release date in Feb. I would love to see the books made into movies. Maybe one day 🙂

      • Lejla Hodzic says:

        7 please make more lol and yes the vamps in your books are very stunning especially Kellan and Kai 😀 nut mostly KELLEN god I sound like one of those crazy twilight fans when I post a comment hahaha 😀

      • lexi says:

        OMG! seven books! yessssss i can not wait.. i just finished book three and was like.. WHAT! THTS IT!! i was sooooooo mad, but then i heard about the fourth coming out.. and now seven! i cant wait im in love with this series! ❤

      • Yasmin says:

        It’s now April 19th 2012 and the 4th book in the series hasnt come out on amazon or on the iBook store…so I was just wondering when the book was going to be released

  2. Ayan says:

    I LOVE your books! Honestly, these are the only books I didn’t stop reading because they bored me out. I read both books in five days flat. Do you think you will ever make a movie from your books? Kellan is my dream guy. I love Mel she acts just like my friend Melanie (what a coincidence)! I can’t wait to read book 3!

    • christinlovell says:

      So glad you enjoyed the books! & you have to love the coincidences of life 🙂 As for the movie, I would love to see them made into movies or a TV show. I think almost every author at some point would sacrifice their right arm to see their baby (a.k.a. book) come to life on the big screen. That’s the beauty of a dream though. You can create an ideal in your mind and then work hard to make it become reality. Don’t give up on your dream Kellan. Hope you enjoy book 3 this weekend 🙂

      • brianna says:

        Please hurry with the next one I love these books I’m almost done with the 3 one please I love love these thank u for writing these books

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you for reading them! Hopefully you’re enjoying book 3 so far 🙂 I’m writing the next book right now. Hoping to finish it sooner rather than later. I’ll be setting a release date soon, which I’ll be posting in Feb. 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m not sure yet unfortunately. I keep checking to see when the formatting has been completed and submitted to iTunes, but nothing yet, sorry. I promise to let everyone know the moment it is available though! 🙂

  3. heather says:

    I’m so glad the first diary of a vampeen was offered free to my kindle. It was so good I wanted to read slow to make it last but couldn’t put it down. Now I will have to buy the hole set and all that will come.

  4. rachelle holscher says:

    i must say, that all three books have been enticing and fun to read! i sincerely hope that you DO finish all seven books in the series, as planned. just please don’t break my heart into pieces, with kellan. 😉
    thus far, i have enjoyed the ride and have had a blast connecting with the characters! plus, i heart the way that you always describe the outfits that the girls in the story are wearing. (being a complete fadhionista)
    thank you for writing some very enjoyable books! i look forward to book 4 and the rest of the series. (and just when i thought i’d seriously had ENOUGH with the vamp books! guess not) i hope that you have a beautiful holiday season!
    peace<3. rachelle

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I definitely plan to finish all 7 books. I’m very committed to this series and my characters. I don’t think I could consciously sleep if I stopped before the characters had completed their journeys. So you know for sure you will have at least 4 more vamp books to read 🙂

      • Lexi says:

        Um do you know the date when the fourth book of diary of a vampeen comes out? because I absolutley lovd the first three and are dieing to read the last one

      • christinlovell says:

        I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the first 3 books. I’m writing book 4 right now. I’m not sure how long it will take me to write it so I can’t give you an exact date or even a guesstimation at this point. I can tell you it will absolutely be out before May though I’m hoping for much sooner.

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m writing book 4 right now. It will be released sometime in 2012. My goal is before May. I know it’s a long way off, but I don’t want to over-promise and under-deliver. I fully anticipate it will be done sooner, but just to be safe… I promise to update everyone as the day draws closer 🙂

      • Maria says:

        Before may!?! I will be reading the first three book over and over to feed my hunger to read the new one. I love love love these books and I’m so glad I came across them i love all the characters especially Kai 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        It’s such a compliment that you’ve enjoyed the books so much. I’m aiming to deliver book 4 much sooner than May, but just in case life gets in the way, I can guarantee that month for sure.

      • Makayla says:

        My birthday is on July 16th and it would be AMAZING if book 4 came out this month!! It would be like a birthday prez to me!!! 🙂 Can’t wait!!

  5. snazzlefrazzle says:

    Love, love, LOVE these books, I am addicted. The first one was suggested to me on iTunes as a top free book, I was hooked from the beginning. I have read books 1 and 2 in the last 2 days, and am happy to learn I can now continue on to book 3. A little disappointed in iTunes for not having book 3, but so happy I could find it on Amazon. I can’t wait to get lost in this one as well.
    You are an amazing writer, I haven’t read a book in a long time that I could get so absorbed into. I feel like a teenager again reading your books. The details so vivid, the characters so mesmerizing. You really know how to get the reader involved in the stories, it draws you in, and you never want to let go.
    I’ll be waiting on pins and needles for book number 4. An April release date would be an awesome birthday present 😉

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m disappointed too that iTunes is taking so long. I’m hoping it won’t be too much longer. Thanks for your patience! As for book 4, you never know 🙂

      • Lauren Kelly says:

        I was wondering is book “Diary of a vampeen: Hit the road jack” on iTunes bookstore now because I cant seem to find it. I love the other two and I can’t wait for the the next one.

      • christinlovell says:

        Yes, it is. Check under just Hit the Road Jack or under my name, Christin Lovell. I hope that helps!

  6. Jessica whelan says:

    Just wanted to give you readers feed back. I love this series very different from the other vampire books out there. Has great structure and relationships with the characters. Im not a writer but I am reading all the time one of a few series and books I would tell others to read. I’m going to be looking for more of your books. Thanks!!

  7. Janie says:

    I have started reading first book and I would like to know if there is only three books or will there be more because right now I am completely obsessed and attached to this book haven’t put it down for anything! 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Sorry, I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to. It’s available as an e-book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. I’m still waiting on distribution to Sony, Kobo, Deisel & iTunes/iBookstore. Is that what you were asking? Just let me know 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      It’s available on Barnes&, & – I’m still waiting on all the others unfortunately…

  8. Priscila says:

    i am in love with your books i cannot wait until the third one can be downloaded on iBooks i have just finish’d reading the secound book

  9. mackenzie says:

    christin i have just got a kindle for christmas and the first books i bought were your diary of a vampeen series i have read each of them in a day i am really exsited to read the others in the series and was wonting to know if you knew already if the book was going to take a year to start and finish.

    • christinlovell says:

      That’s wonderful! I’m glad you liked the first 3 books. I’m currently working on book 4. I should have book 4 & 5 out this year for sure, but can’t promise anything beyond that right now. Thanks for checking though 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Hmm. I’m actually not familiar with that. That’s not part of the book so it must be a formatting error. What e-book device did you read the book on?

      • lauren says:

        I noticed that at the end of their text messages is a square symbol? this is on my iphone. I’d also like to add that I am addicted to this series and almost tore out my hair in anticipation waiting for book 3 on ibookstore. i just finished last night and was not disappointed!! I just love kellan so much and was dreading getting to the end of the book incase the worst happened, thankfully he’s still safe and well. I’d love for them to change destiny and live happily ever after.

      • christinlovell says:

        I’ve had a couple of other people comment about something to that regard. It’s a formatting error with the book that I can’t seem to get crack. Sorry. I’m glad it hasn’t taken away from your enjoyment of the series 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank God your hair is still in tact 😉 Sorry for the wait, but I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the book. Kellan is absolutely still alive and kicking. I can’t promise that they’ll elude fate, but I can promise that whatever happens, justice will be served.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you. I’m working on book 4 right now. Not quite sure when I’ll finish it though because I’m working on multiple books at the same time. I know for sure it will be out before May though.

  10. Arsenal Mad! says:

    Omg! When will u release number 4? I love them so much- I wish I had Kellen!:P please notify us when no.4 is coming….. CANT WAIT!!

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m writing book 4 right now. Not sure on a release date as of yet, but I promise to let everyone know 🙂

  11. Mariyah says:

    Wow …. ur books are amazing… the end of the third book shocked me! It left me hanging and wanting more! I finished all of your books in 3 days… ( one day each) please hurry with the next book.. I cant wait… 😉

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you. So glad you enjoyed the first 3! I’m working on book 4 right now. Not sure when it will be out yet, but I’m aiming for sooner rather than later.

  12. Lilli says:

    I love your books. I read all three in 5 days and I normally don’t read at all. I cant wait till your next one. Oh and please don’t make kellan die I would be hart broken

    • christinlovell says:

      That’s awesome! Glad you enjoyed the books. I can’t make any promises about the lives of any of my characters, but I can promise that I will do the series, and Lexi, justice. 🙂

  13. Lauren says:

    I love the all of the books but can’t seem to
    Figure out how to get it on iTunes bookstore.
    I tried it under the authors name and also the
    Title but only the first two books pop up?

    • christinlovell says:

      I would say to try again. I’ve searched by both and it came up. It is under a different category than the first 2 though. It is under the categories of:: Romance -> Fantasy, Futuristic, Ghost -> Christin Lovell I hope that helps!

  14. Beth says:

    Will there be a fourth book? Because I just finished reading books 2 and 3 in less than 24 hours and I can’t stop thinking about what happens next

  15. Lily💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 says:

    i am in love with diary of a vampeen and kellan
    I am soooooo jealous of lexi. good luck in writing more books and focus on writing diary of a vampeen 4
    i really hope it comes out before may coz i really wanna read it @ camp

    • christinlovell says:

      So glad you enjoyed them! I’m writing book 4 right now. I’m hopeful that I can have it out before May. That’s just a safe promise.

      • Georgia/Lulu/Tante says:

        Thx sooo much
        I am a plus sized girl 2 with a boyfriend like Kellan (think 10x hotter) with divorced parents and need glasses sometimes so i can totally relate 2 Lexi.

      • christinlovell says:

        Ok, I will try not to be a little jealous that you have your own Kellan 😉 Hehe. Congrats on snagging such a wonderful prize! You deserve it 🙂 I’m glad you were able to relate to Lexi. I can tell that you’re a strong individual already, but I love that she’s had a bit of an impact on you.

  16. shawna says:

    Olga love all three books. Just finished book 3, amazing! Only one question…I’m reading on a kindle fire and purchased from amazon and the end of the book stopped mid sentence is that how it was meant or is it error on my download? I still had 3 more pgs to go so I thought bilut they’re just blank. Otherwise fantastic writing

  17. Aimee says:

    I love these books I cant wait for may! I spent two days on my couch reading them,I never thought I would enjoy my insomnia. So hsppy Ihad these books to keep me company!

      • Makala says:

        I got confused at the end when u skipped ahead to show their son, are you going to explain that in the next book or give me a general answer? I have been with u and this series since the beginning and it is nerve-racking on waiting for the books! I hope it all goes well with the writing and I hope for the books to be longer (so they will last longer). I wish there were movies to this series! My mom won’t read my books (because they are not her taste apparently) but she would watch them if they were movies!

      • christinlovell says:

        Sorry for the confusion. By the end of the series, everything will be tied together, including the epilogue of this book. By skipping ahead, I gave readers a glimpse at the future. It was meant to enhance the questioning of Kellan’s fate, not necessarily to indicate that he had died in book 3, which he didn’t, but to make the reader scoot to the edge of their seat and say a prayer for him. I think readers will have (more) solid footing on the series and the end of book 3 with book 4, though Kellan’s fate will be a lingering question mark. (Sorry!)
        I would love to see the books made into movies! If it comes along, I would certainly go for it! There is a large audience out there that doesn’t read, or doesn’t read this type of book, that would invest in the movies. Maybe one day it will happen 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m working on it right now 🙂 As soon as I’m closer to the end, I will provide everyone with an official release date.

  18. rebecca schumacher says:

    O.m.g….I’m so sorry I completely love you rbooks and ur short story…my boyfriends a little upset tho lol….I’m a plus size semi-single mommy its feels great to get a little get away from reality for a while…thank u really! Cant wait for everything to come!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Let him be upset. Us mommies absolutely need a great escape from time to time, and books are my personal guilty pleasure so I’m glad you enjoyed mine. 🙂

  19. rebecca schumacher says:

    Sorry I forgot to put this message in the last but you should really look into some kind of Tv show or movie websites not sure what you’d have to do but I think your stories should definatly be given consideration because it really great..sorry for taking up your time get back to writing lol. 😉

    • christinlovell says:

      I would love to see them evolve into something on TV or on the big screen. I think every author writes with that ambition in the back of their mind. I’m certainly not opposed to any offers, but I won’t be proactively pursuing anything around it. Too many books to write still 🙂

  20. Regina says:

    The books are amazing. Cant wait for the 4th one. I would love to see the faces of all the characters. Wish they were films. You would definetly give Twilight some healthy competition.

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m writing it right now. I’m hoping it will be out sooner rather than later. I’ll update everyone with an exact release date as I get closer to the finish line though. 🙂

  21. Becky says:

    I’m so in love with your vamp’s and the amazing story line all three books hold I loved them so much i finshed all three books with in three days I can’t wait for dook number 4 And I just wanted to say thankyou for writing theses amazing book and hood luck on book number 4

      • Becky says:

        I also forgot tell you that you book is the first book that really hit home fineity a story of a girl that isn’t the skinny girl in school or the prettiest girl either its more real life and it gives heavyer set girls like me a smile and a realizeason that there r cool story’s like you books about people like heavyer set a failtail or story a bout a heavyer set girl and I just wanted to thankyou for that as well and good luck on book #4 I cant wait 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you Becky! Big girls need love too! Just because a girl has a few extra pounds on her shouldn’t automatically disqualify her from experiencing her own version of Cinderella. I’m glad you were able to connect with that 🙂

  22. Lilli says:

    Ok I know I have already posted a commet but I would dealt like to know if your thinking about putting them in to movies because if you do it would so beat twilight

    • christinlovell says:

      I would love to see them in movies, but I’m not proactively pursuing it. If something comes along, I will jump on it though 🙂

  23. Crystal Eichelberger says:

    O.M.G. i sooo can’t wait for the fourth book comes out i wanted to know is kellan still with alexa or did he die … either way i really can’t wait thanx for the free grace period that every one has from twilight and the fact that you mention it in your books show that there is no compitition or force and that you support others in there work so all in all im saying thanx for the work and i will continue to forword to all the books that you write…..

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! Kellan is definitely still alive! You all would know if he wasn’t. You’d have a heart-breaking play by play. As for Twilight, I knew that my books would be compared to it, because every vamp book is these days. So I decided to embrace it. I’m glad you liked it 🙂

  24. Alyssa Plante says:

    Hi Christin,

    I have a few questions about Hit The Road Jack:

    1. Does Kellan actually die?
    2. What is Lexi’s son, vampire or vam

    • christinlovell says:

      Kellan didn’t die. I promise, if he did, you all would be given a play by play and made very (emotionally) aware that it happened. So he’s safe (for now.) 🙂
      Lexi and Kellan’s son will be human until he’s sixteen and undergoes the transformation, at which point he will be considered vampeen because Lexi is 25% vamp and Kellan is 75%; so he’s an even 50/50.

      • Alyssa :( says:

        And by the way even though I am only ten I may not have a boyfriend but my “friend” is sweet and all but I am crushing on 3 boys, Harris V useful jr and justin16. Harris is the cute one and useful isthe friend also I think Justin is my bf.Whenever I get picked on or called fat he says no no no you are nit fat.But he says what Mike and kellan say to lexi,they say it is just excess cuteness and adorableness and sexiness but he is mad I like kellsn but my friend/boyfriend is 200000000 times hotter with a 8-pack and a rocking bod.Ohhh here he is in my room with my dad having a camera that i pointed at yhe tv.My babe wants to tslk.” You make kellan die in book four.Or if he was real i would takw him head on.Ohhh and lexi isnt very nice to rip peoples heads off.”Alyssa is bavk,and useful is just jealous of jellan because he cares.

  25. Ciara Case says:

    I absolutely love your books. They were so addicting that I read them in about a week. You make the characters seem so real and hot. Every book I read I pictured everything that was happening. I congratulate you on your success and can’t wait for more. 🙂

  26. erykah says:

    Hey I have not read hit the road jack but judging from some of the comments did kellan and lexis have a baby boy? Just wondering. . .

  27. Molly says:

    I’m just curious because it totally threw me for a loop and I was completely confused, if you have 4 more books planned, why was there an epilogue that showed the future? And also, Kellan, Why wasn’t he in it? It just made me very very confused. Thanks!

    • christinlovell says:

      By the end of the series, the epilogue will be tied into everything. Given the lingering question of whether or not Kellan will survive, I didn’t want to give anything away. I wanted everyone go on the roller coaster ride with Lexi as she questions his fate too along the way. It doesn’t have as much impact if you already know what will happen 🙂

  28. autumn says:

    I have a question on the book at the end of the book shes reading the book to him and I want to know if Kellan (the sexiest boy in the book)is dead. Plus what is their son’s name?AND WHY WOULD YOU KILL KELLAN?Hes supposed to be sexy and live why not let Kai die he deserves it I mean he stole Lexi from Kellan for like ever.I mean I love the book alot I practically read it like 8 times but why kill Kellan he deserves to live he has a perfectly great way of suprising,and loving Lexi he also knows how to please her I just wanna know why you would kill him.(Sorry im very passionate about romance novels and who lives and who dies)

    • christinlovell says:

      Hi Autumn,
      Technically, he’s not dead yet, and may not even die. It’s a lingering question for myself and fans as to whether or not he’ll survive his “fated death.” For now, he is very much alive! I’m currently working on book 4 and he’s very prominent. I’m not revealing the name of Lexi and Kellan’s son until the time comes. If you can’t tell, I like surprises. Regardless of what happens to any of the characters, I promise to do the series and Lexi justice. One of the hardest parts of being an author is killing off a character, they’re like my extended family, but I also want to be realistic. And the reality is that not everyone survives war…
      Hope that helps a little bit at least. I love that you’re enjoying the books! 🙂

      • Makala says:

        I don’t want Kellan to die, but if u think about it, every “good author” (or as they call themselves) would kill him.
        Are Kellan and Lexi going to have more kids, because I think that little boy should have siblings (plus the impression I got was that Lexi wanted more than one) 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        I think Lexi would like more than 1 too. Whether or not that will happen within the series I haven’t decided yet. I haven’t even decided whether Kellan will make it or not. I have 2 endings written for the series. I’m a pantser, so I usually go with the flow of the story, write as I go with only an illusion of the plot in my mind to go by. So you will be as surprised as I am with the ending 🙂

  29. Maria says:

    I absolutely luv ur books my friends literally have to beg me to stop reading for the reason being I am hooked with ur books. I am dying waiting for the 4 book to come out.

    • christinlovell says:

      I love it! So glad you’re enjoying them! Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for book 4. I’m working on it right now 🙂

  30. Mariyah says:

    Omg!!!! Now that I have read the excerpt from the fourth book, I don’t think I can sleep… Christin, now you have me thinking about everything that happened so far…. and how I will be heartbroken if Kellan dies….. :’-( lol

    • christinlovell says:

      Sorry! Well, okay, so I lied, I’m not sorry. I love that you’re so wrapped up in Lexi and Kellan’s world! I do wish you a good night’s rest to keep from looking like a zombie in the morning though 🙂

  31. Maria says:

    I know everyone may ask u this like all the time but can u at least give an estimation of when the fourth book is going to be out

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m writing it right now, and can’t usually give an accurate date until closer to the end. I can say that it should be out within the next couple months for sure. I wish I could offer more, but don’t want to throw out a date and then not make it.

  32. SamAntha says:

    Oh please make a book about mels trams and the wedding and baby and Mel getting married plzzzzz I finish your books in a day but I read them over and over agin even thou I’m young I love the way the humer and fericniss comes threw

    • SamAntha says:

      At that ma’am how many r there going to be I think it sO great that I can read to get away from my boring old online school life I look for ward and omg kellan is so hot hehe I just got the 4 th today and just finished it a few minutes ago but when I’m sick I read these book and iv memorized almost the whole books please don’t be rushed perfection in a book take time I no and the ideas are never ending you make these book easy to read and to see what they ( kellan the bros auggy lex mel crege ( sorry i am not good with spellig the names) ( my apoligies) look like to you in your prilant gensue beautiful head of yours that you are greatness just waiting so spring like a jack in the bocks , and when LExie almost did that thing( no hints hehe) I cried for kellan I love your books and hope that this. Is a success for you I’ll be rooting for you

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you so much! I really appreciate it and am so happy that you were able to picture and imagine the characters and motions exactly as I described. Everyone interprets things differently. The same line read by many can be understood in many ways, so thank you for getting me! More is coming in book 4 in the next couple months so you will be able to add one more to your pile of re-reads. (Those are the best. I have several books that I love to read over and over again. They’re a pleasure that I never tire of, with storylines that excite me every time.) 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      You will be thrilled to know that that’s coming 🙂 I’m working on book 4 right now and plan a total of 7 in the series, so you will absolutely be able to enjoy more of Lexi and Kellan as well as their friends and family 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        All good things must come to an end… I’m not shutting the door. I will always be open to writing more, but only if it feels right. Glad you’ve enjoyed the books tho!

  33. ashmed86 says:

    if there is ever a movie i would love to play the part of keira!!!


    i say her because i think i am told old to play a 16 yr old…lol

    so if the movie thing ever works out please keep me in mind…lol

    • christinlovell says:

      lol I love it! I’m not sure how much control or input I would have in that aspect of things, but I would be sure to share opportunities with everyone so they could pursue them. 🙂

      • SamAntha says:

        Yes I do think sometime I kind of think tha lexi looks like my since I have honey brown eye tOo and kind of chestnut hair with a bit of red but I think it’s really cool to be able to be able to think of a person as a charector hehe

  34. caleb says:

    ha christensen iam back agian i have a qoustian nobodys asked will mel or criag die or hve children (oops two qoustians in one)lol !!!

    • christinlovell says:

      I haven’t figured that out yet. I’m a pantser, meaning I fly by the seat of my pants as I write. I have two endings written for the series and a few plot details along the way in my head, but surprisingly, nothing major regarding those two, aside from Mel’s transformation.

  35. JesseDobbs says:

    Oh my my my my
    I love my boyfriend a million times more for buying me this kindle fire, if not I would have never discovered your vamp series.
    Im also in the developing stages of writing my own book and it has been put on hiatus as I cant stop reading these books.
    Any chance ill be able to find these books at my local Barnes and Noble? Id like to own a copy, have the story closer and more tangible.
    Best of luck with the series, I will be reading a long with the masses.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the series. And congrats on taking the initiative to write your own! I know it’s easy to get distracted, but don’t lose sight of your writing ambitions 🙂
      Unfortunately, right now, I don’t have a print copy available. The books are in the process of being edited, but once they are, I plan to make a print copy available 🙂

  36. Jordan says:

    Hi Christian !!!!!! My names Jordan and I just finished all the books of Diary of a vampeen and OMG those are the best books i’ve ever read in my WHOLE life!!! and to be truthful they were better than the Twilight series!!! Your characters were great 😉 and you never gave anything away I just hope theres a 4th book!!! Also, I hope Kellan doesn’t die that would be HORRIBLE!!!!! I would probly cry!!! SO I just have a question for you………… Would there be a 4th book?!?!?!?!?!!?!

    • christinlovell says:

      Hi Jordan,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the series so much! It’s a big compliment to be put above the Twilight series, so thank you! Given that, I’m thrilled to tell you that YES, there will be a fourth book! I’m writing it right now, and it should be available in the next couple months. As I get closer to the end, I will update everyone with an exact release date.
      I look forward to bringing you more 🙂

    • Bibiana says:

      OMG i would cry to!! if Kellan died actually to be honest i cried at the end of book 3 becuz i jumped to conclusions that he died (i always jump to conclusions way to soon hehehe).

      • christinlovell says:

        lol We’ve all experienced that at some point I think. It’s the human in us; we usually think the worst before the best in certain situations. He’s definitely alive and well in book 4 tho 🙂

  37. Domonique Hicks says:

    Wow so cant wait until book 4 wow soo totally awesome ur an awesome writer thx a million for writing such a wonderful series.. sorry hope not beeing anoying by leaving another comment lol…thx a million again..

    • christinlovell says:

      You’re definitely NOT being annoying! I love hearing from my readers. I’m thrilled that you’ve enjoyed the series 🙂

  38. Andrea says:

    I just finished “Hit the Road Jack” and am completely in love with all the characters. I am super excited for the third. I can’t wait… my patience is being tested. You describe everything perfectly and I was really able to connect with all the characters. I really don’t want to see Kellan die, I might cry, I mean, I will cry, more like a waterfall probably, but the way you ended the book did help me to accept his possible but unwanted fate. You are a great writer, and your work captivates me! Keep up the great work.
    Ps. I am also looking forward to Allure.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! That means a lot to me. My heart jumps for joy every time a reader says they were able to connect to my characters, so thank you for that! And thank you for understanding about Kellan. I can promise it wouldn’t be in vain if something did happen to him.
      I’m looking for to Allure’s release too! 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you Maria! I loved them! I’m one of those people who does a new collage every year of her goals and attaches inspirational/motivational quotes to it. I also put them as a post-it note on my home screen on my computer. Thanks 🙂

  39. Jordan says:

    Ok so i kinda know this is random but Christaina i wanted to become a frensic scientist when i graduated but after reading your books i decided i would LOVE to become a writer instead !!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Yay! I love that! Even better, you can have the best of both worlds by writing about a main character who is a forensic scientist 😉

      • Alyssa says:

        Miss writer I am only ten and love your books.At school my friend is tired of me saying how kellan is a perfect boyfriend.
        I wish I were able to be a vampeen.I belive in vampires and werewolves.By the way I know what kellan and lexi did and I hope the kid has his parents powers.

  40. savannah says:

    Love the books cant wait for the 4th one. I cant decide if I like kellan or kai better they both sound sweet and hot! Oh and craige don’t even get me started on him hes austrailin what’s not hot about that?

    • christinlovell says:

      lol Amen! I have a soft spot for all my male characters. I don’t think I would mind ending up with any of them in reality 🙂

  41. savannah says:

    Some of my friend are begging me to stop reading they say they have never seen read before and they try to take my kindle away I get soooooo mad. I love ur books and will never stop reading them. I also cant wait to to see about gabi and jack.

  42. Tina Jean Berg says:

    I just finished book #1. And I am eager to read book #2. I thought that was it for books. So I was very excited to see that there is a #3 & soon a #4 all the way up to #7. Your book is the the 1’st book that I tested out my brand new Touch Kindle & I loved it so much I told my twin 14 yr. old nieces they need to read the series. They LOVE TO READ & I know they would love Lexi & her friends. Thank you so much … Christina Jean Berg

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you Christina. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed and especially recommended the series. I hope your nieces enjoy it 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      There will be more sneak peeks coming in the next couple weeks. As for a spin off, I’m not sure at this point. I’m not opposed to it, but am just focusing on this series right now 🙂

  43. savannah says:

    If u ever made a movie out of these books I would love to play mel or lex or even gabi. I’m going to be in a play on January 28 at my school I was made for acting. Oh and about the movie I wouldn’t mind being an extra also. Btw I’m 14

    • christinlovell says:

      Congratulations! That’s awesome about the play. I’m sure you will do well in your role. As for a movie, not sure if I would have that much input into casting, but I would certainly share who to contact for it 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I have a general idea, a minimal layout for the series in my head already. As I’m writing book 4, I’m already plotting book 5 and little tie ins to go along 🙂

  44. Katrina says:

    So I was reading the comments, and I’m so glad that you verified Kellan is still alive at the end of book 3 ! ❤ I would die, if you killed him ); but aaaah, can't wait for book 4 (: I wish I had my own Kellan ❤

  45. Bella says:

    Do you think there will be a movie? Because, I love Kellan and Lexi’s relationship and I really want to SEE it happen. I LOVE the books sooooooo much.

    • christinlovell says:

      Not sure if there ever will be. I’m certainly open to it, but am no actively pursuing it. Thanks for the support of one though! 🙂

  46. keymone says:

    i have a question im dying to ask!in book 3 of the series diary of a vampeens sample on,kai said kellan has talked to dudes! does that mean that kellans gay?!i mean i love kellan i love him more than lexi even though the book is about her! i vision kellan looking like taylor laughtner too so that also keeps me going but,anyways,i would hate to see him gay!

    • christinlovell says:

      lol No, he most certainly is not gay. If you read the book, it will explain. Basically, Kellan does quite a bit while Lexi is sleeping, particularly making sure every male who even waves hello at her knows not to mess with her or they’ll have to deal with him.

  47. sonya says:

    When will book 4 be out? I’m so excited for it. I just finished book 3 and when I read the epilogue I thought this was it. I was bummed. So I got on your page here, and was so happy to see book 4! Great books. I read em every chance I get. Ill def. Be buying book 4 the day it arrives on kindle!

      • christinlovell says:

        lol It’s ok. I know I need to put it in a more central place. Until then, I’m happy to tell anyone who asks 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! Glad you’ve enjoyed them! Unfortunately, since I’m still in the writing phase, I don’t have an exact date of release for book 4 yet, but promise to let everyone know the moment I do 🙂

  48. Sam says:

    I absolutely love these books! I am so happy to hear that you are planning on having seven books in the series. I agree with everyone else that they beat Twilight. I cannot be more happy that I read these…I won’t want to read anything else for awhile! I hope we get to read about Meal’s transformation, the wedding (DEFINITELY THE WEDDING), and what happens between Alexa and Kellan. I can’t wait to read what their son looks like and what his name is. I actually cried for Kellan and Alexa when those trageties happened. I don’t think it could get any better but with you writing them I know I won’t be dissapointed!!! I wish you the best and that you don’t get writer’s block… 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! You will absolutely be reading about Mel and a wedding soon, though for who I won’t say 😉 I’m always thrilled when others get vested in my characters; it’s the best compliment a writer could ask for. Thank you for your confidence in me and for your support of this series! 🙂

  49. Sabrina says:

    Hello Christin,

    I no it might be boring to hear how i came to find your books but what the heck…
    For christmas, my mom gave the whole series of True Blood. She was tired of me reading Twilight. i read those books over and over. When my tio saw how much i read, he gave me money to get a kindle.

    When i got it the first thing i looked up was vampire books(my style). When i found Diary of a Vampeen, i fell in love. I got the two others and loved it more. I love how the climax just keeps getting higher and higher.

    My favorite characters are: Lexi, Kellan, Kai, Auggy, and Craig.
    Lexi: She always speaks her mind. I also really like that she real think for herself, everthing and everone before herself. Even though they went for them because of her.
    Kellan: He was mysterious and getting to no more was pretty cool, too. I feel sorry for that everything he does is for lexi but she hurts him alot. I can understand that no matter what she always goes back to him.
    Kai: He does evething for her too. I love his character always living in the moment until he meets lexi. He rethinks everything.
    Auggy: He makes me laugh. I might be crazy but i think the way he over powers most and uses that. I think he acts like that to see how they squirm. I laugh so hard to see someone like that.
    Craig: He all way breaks the tension. I love his acsent too(i want to go to Australia.)

    ~ Sabrina

    • christinlovell says:

      I love it! Thank you so much for sharing! I’m a huge paranormal fan; I devour the books just like you. And like you, I have my favorites. I absolutely love your uncle for giving you the money for a kindle. I want an uncle like that! As for the characters, as you can tell, they have diverse personalities that are strong, yet somehow work together… most of the time 😉
      Thanks again for telling me. I didn’t find it boring at all. I actually like hearing personal stories like that 🙂

  50. Raen A. Nielsen says:

    Amazing the forth has got to come out soon!!! and im like lexi before her vamp-out except instead of being over weight im super skinny to,soo i feel like her and with i was

    • christinlovell says:

      Regardless of whether you’re thick or thin, definitely love yourself for who you are, with or without perfection. There is no one in the world like you, and that makes you special. Never allow yourself to be defined by how others perceive you to be; allow your actions, the unspoken strength within you to shine through and represent the amazing person that you are. I love that you were able to relate to Lexi. Keep shining 🙂

  51. TARPEY says:

    Just thought i would leave a comment and say how amazing your books are!! I’m in university and am definitely not ashamed to say that I read the first 2 books in a day and the 3rd book in one afternoon!
    I literally could not put them down and recommend them to everyone!
    You just made my year so far when I read in one of the comments above that kellan is still alive!!
    I also think its great that an author takes the time to reply to all these comments! That’s true fan support so thank you:)

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed the series so far, and a HUGE thank you for sharing it with friends! I cherish every single reader, and my heart just swells when they fall in love with the characters. It never ceases to amaze me. Thank you so much for supporting me and the series 🙂

  52. ♥ Avid.Reader ♥ says:

    .Hello I have read all three books each in one day and I love them my complements to you they are the best vampire novel books I’ve read yet I love the plot line it gets better with each book the before second 4 comes out I’ll have bought it 🙂 and I hope your definitely writing 7 and even more. I’m so glad I’ve had the chance to read your books I love Lexi and Kellan and Kai’s love triangle it’s great stuff hope you have the chance to make more for a long time.
    -♥ Avid.Reader ♥

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you’re enjoying the series. I can say with conviction that, unless I’m struck dead somehow, there will absolutely be 7 books (or more) in the series, so you will definitely have more to read 🙂

  53. Eliza says:

    Hi I just want to say I love your vamp chronicles books! I think I just found a series better than twilight after finishing the second book! No offense to Stephanie Meyer of course. The characters are so interesting, there is a lot of action, drama and it’s intense. Keep up the awesome work!

    I can’t seem to find a copy of the third book in stores, only ebooks. Is it not available in canada?

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! That is a huge compliment! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series to that degree. Unfortunately the books are not available in print at the moment, only e-book format. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  54. Fallon says:

    I think this book series is better than twilight series.The series is a can’t miss series. It jaw dropping , eye opener . A series you want to read until the last book! I can’t wait to read the fourth book! And The vamp dude is hot! Please write more! You make reading vampires books series more interesting , cool and entertaining . Way better than all the other vampires series out there!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you so much! I’m sort of doing a little happy dance in my seat by your comment. You’ve just blown me away. Every writer hopes that readers will enjoy their books, as you’ve written, but I’m overjoyed to learn that I achieved all that with you. Thank you! I can’t wait to bring you more 🙂

  55. Deminica says:

    I must admit I wasn’t gonna read Vampeen because the summary didn’t catch me but when I seen it was free and my friend suggested I read it I did all I can say say is “thank you!” It has been along time since I have been able to find a book that has made me fall.into the pages every chance I get. I must add this book into my favorite book catagory and only the Harry potter and Twilight books reside in that section! I can not wait to for the rest of the books. My mind is driving me crazy being a paranormal romance writer myself I catch myself picturing the out come.for book and it drives me crazy because I have no clue what to expect.and my imagination keeps running wildi the only way to ease it is by rereading g the. books! Thank you for being such an inspiration to Ny imagination and for keeping me on edge. You truly of the treats!

      • christinlovell says:

        No problem. That’s one of the reasons I have an aversion to touch screen phones. lol I’ve been threatened more than once that my blackberry was going to be replaced by an android touch screen smartphone in my sleep. (Not funny.) I do love those websites that post all the auto-correct text messages from popular touch screen phones though 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m glad you gave the book a chance, and what a compliment to be among those two authors on your favorites list! Such an honor. I’m thrilled to have been able to inspire you like so many have inspired me along the way. Definitely keep writing! I’m a huge paranormal romance fan 🙂

  56. Jenny says:

    I feel as if this series has a similar ending to “Twilight” as of “Hit the road Jack”. My suggestions would to add more drama to the series, like something happening that causes Mel to not transform to a vampeen. Or Kellan dying, I hope you consider these ideas. And if you can tell me the approximate date of the release for book 4 I would be happy.

    • christinlovell says:

      Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact release date to provide as of yet since I’m still in the writing phase. I promise to provide one once I get closer to the end though 🙂

  57. Jenny says:

    I feel as if this series have a similar ending to “Twilight” as of “Hit the road Jack”. My suggestion would be to add a little more drama, like something happens and causes Mel to not transform, or Kellan dying. I would like to know the approximate date for the release of Book 4.

  58. Nikki says:

    Just found out there are seven books in this series!! I can truly say I do not like reading and I never have. One of my friends said they starting reading your first book and I needed to read it. In three days I managed to read all three and still had school in the middle of it all. I couldn’t put the book down! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your series. Keep up the good work:) Thanks:)

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow! I hope you slipped a few hours of sleep in those 3 days somewhere! But thank you soo much for your dedication to finishing them. I’m glad you enjoyed them 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Unfortunately I don’t have an exact release date since I’m still working on book 4, but as I get closer to the finish line, I promise to provide one 🙂

  59. Amanda Mahoney says:

    I LOVE your books. I read all three in just one week, and i am like a relax and enjoy reader. But I just couldn’t stop reading them. I CAN NOT WAIT for the fourth!!! Also are there going to be more books like the Vamp Chronicles? I LOVE YOUR WRITING!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m glad you love the series so far. As of right now, I’ve planned 7 books in the series, and though I’m working on another YA series, it’s nothing like the Vamp Chronicles. I’m certainly not opposed to creating something similar to compliment the series in the future though 🙂

  60. Madi F says:

    Just wondering where I can get your books other than iBooks for my iPod or something like that. So please email me back, and if you have time, please visit my website! I write story’s too.

  61. Katie Davies says:

    I absolutely love the Vamp books! Please keep adding to the series and maybe even go to Mel’s view because that would be awesome!!! I’m a big fan and they are way better then twilight. Keep writing!

  62. Christine says:

    I just finished reading “hit the road jack” and can’t wait for the next book to come out. Your characters are really great. Throughout the series I have related alot with Lexi. Just like Lexi I have been picked on, called names, and I’m alittle over weight. I also just finished getting away from a guy that was alot like Mike. Well anyway your series Is great and I can’t wait for the next book to come out…..

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you, and a BIG congratulations to you for leaving that guy! That takes guts, courage that only the strongest in our society can summon. You should be proud of yourself! I know I am. I’m glad you were able to relate to Lexi in all this. Sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not alone, and I can promise you, you’re not. Regardless of your weight, your outward appearance, love yourself for who you are. You’ve already recognized that you deserve the best by walking away from the worst. Keep your chin, it’s attached to your self-esteem 🙂

  63. Amanda says:

    Hello, I love your books and your writing. I want to know what is the date the 4th book coming out. You have a way of saying the details that i really like. And i am not a big book person and and i have read the tree books in like 1 week. LOL (:

    • christinlovell says:

      I love it! I’m so excited to have peaked your interest in books, even it’s only my own. You should definitely keep reading! Hopefully I can have book 4 out soon for you 🙂

      • Amanda says:

        😀 Thanks. So you are planning to have 9 books.. Have you started to write the others yet. Also any suggestions on books i should read??

      • christinlovell says:

        Sorry for the confusion. I’ve actually planned a total of 7 books for the series. I’m in the middle of writing book 4 right now. As for recommendations, it depends on the genre you like to read. My favorite paranormal series is The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. 🙂

  64. Jayna says:

    wow your books are great i was hook from book one and cant wait to see what happens. thank you for writing this book i read when i need to get away from real live so thank you for writing this books again.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you for reading them! I’ve always believed books were the perfect escape from reality. They’re the cheapest vacation and best form of relaxation. Glad I could provide that to you 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m still writing it at the moment so I can’t say for sure. I can tell you that it will be within the next 2 months though 🙂

  65. JenJen says:

    OMG I got your third book the other day, finished it, then went back to the first and re-read them all! I am absolutely in love with the whole story and can’t wait for the 4th book to be out. The excerpt you put up makes me want to read the next book asap!! I know you can’t rush it, but I am really looking forward to seeing what happens with all the characters and will be checking periodically both here and amazon in the next few months!!
    Thank you so much for writing these books. I think I may go back to the beginning and re-read them all again!!

    • christinlovell says:

      I love that you’ve enjoyed them enough to re-read them! That’s a big compliment, thank you! I’m hoping to have book 4 out soon. I’ll be updating everyone with an exact release date hopefully in the next month 🙂

  66. Makala says:

    Do we get “details” on Gabi’s wedding, do we get to see Lexi’s wedding, and will Mel married to Craig-if so, do we get to hear about it or see it?

    • christinlovell says:

      The details of Gabi’s wedding, no. Lexi’s, of course… if she has one I would include all the components of her special day. The fate of Mel and Craig isn’t solid at this point, but if they do make it to the alter, then yes, I will probably provide details 🙂

  67. Savannah says:

    I seriously can’t wait till the book is published I read all of the others and can’t wait for more. The third books ending was…. Alluring and captivating

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you liked the ending, and, most importantly, understood it. It was meant to capture your attention and continue to lure you into the deep rooted question of Kellan’s fate. Hopefully you won’t have to wait too much longer for book 4 🙂

  68. Amber says:

    My mom and I read your books – we love them! But we have differing opinions. She’s obsessed with Kellan and Lexi, while I’m all for Kai and Lexi. I *LOOOVE* Kai and was actually kinda looking forward to the prophecy takin’ him out and Kai stepping in. lol It didn’t happen, but maybe in the future…?
    Anywho, we’re huge fans of the series! Can’t wait for number four! ❤

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad you and your mom are both enjoying the series! And you never know! I actually have two endings written for the series, so I don’t even know who’s going to win in the end. I have a soft spot for both men and picking one is too much like picking your favorite child. I guess we’ll see who my favorite is at the end of the series 😉

  69. Sara says:

    I throughly enjoy reading this series. Got me hooked. Great writer and fantastic story!!!! Keep them coming as of yet you haven’t disappointed me! All the best for the next release

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far and I hope to continue to deliver excellence with each new release 🙂

  70. Corinthia says:

    I’m extremely excited to read this next book. I jus discovered your chornicles and I’m a huge fan already. Im a due hard twilight fan but I’ve grown to love your story a little more.

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow. Thank you! That’s a huge compliment. I’m beyond words to have surpassed Twilight in your eyes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  71. Tala says:

    hey, my friend told me about the diary of a vampeen book on ibooks and so we both got them and we love it! she never reads. I got the other 2 and im just starting to read it now, i love it! its way better than twilight and so amusing to read! there should deffinately be a movie. your such a great writer so i cant wait to read the rest!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you’re both reading and enjoying them! I would love to see them turned into movies! You never know what the future holds 😉

  72. jennifer says:

    love the vamp chronicle series cant wait for the next one.. just wondering i purchased the curvosity book from amazon. is there going to be anymore like that comming in the future… i am a big girl and i do agree that there needs to be more of the big girls in paranormal romance.. thank you for your time

    • christinlovell says:

      There is absolutely going to be more 🙂 I’m a plus size woman and believe there needs to be many more curvy heroines represented in the romance / paranormal romance community, especially since we are slowly becoming a majority group. Glad you enjoyed Curvosity 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m still writing book 4, but will be letting everyone know an exact release date in February. Glad you’re enjoying the books 🙂

  73. JodaLee Anne says:

    Ammazing!!! I finished all three books in two weeks and read non sto! Ibwish Ai hadn’t t becouse know I have nothing good to read! Please hurry with the fourth book!!!!! I can not wait!!!! Love this series!

    I love Craig!!!!!!! ❤

  74. grace says:

    i am absolutley in love with the books. cant wait for the next one.craig is hillarious. im torn between kellan and kai though i would have to say im leaning more towards kellan. i love love triangles lol:). when i fifnished hot the road jack i was racing to the computer to no what happened to kellan.( he doesnt die right?)

    • christinlovell says:

      Nope. Kellan is still very alive at the moment! Glad you’re enjoying the books. I love Craig’s (inadvertent) humor 🙂

  75. Jenny says:

    I am so glad that you have time to answer our questions! By the way, Kellan has a similar trait to Edward of Twilight. Obsession. It sort of has a happy ending too. Sorry if i posted something similar, my iPod doesn’t show.

  76. Sharon says:

    Absolutely love your vampeen series! I’m an avid paranormal romance reader so I have read ALOT of books by quite a few authors and now I have a new author to add to my favorites. Thank you for the great books. Now if you could only write as fast as we read….
    Where’s that vamp speed when you need it?

    • christinlovell says:

      lol Yes! I would get so much more accomplished with vamp speed. Perhaps my fingers could keep up with the scenes pouring from my head when I write. I can’t tell you how many times I have to short hand just to not lose something and then go back and type in the fillers to complete the scene! On the up side, the books are still released much quicker than through a traditional publisher, which is nice 🙂
      Thanks for reading the books. Love that you’ve enjoyed them 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m writing book 4 right now, but plan to set a release date for it soon. I’ll be posting it in Feb. Glad you’re enjoying the books! 🙂

  77. Marci says:

    I can’t wait for the fourth book to come out!!! I enjoyed reading the first three so much!!! You are very talented!!! I love the way your writing makes me just keep reading!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! Love that you’ve enjoyed them so far! I’m writing book 4 at the moment, but will be announcing a release date soon 🙂

  78. Jay says:

    I cant wait! When does it come out? I loved the fist three! I read the first ones within a month, which is way fast for me! I really really really (x1000000000000000000) really cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      It was moreso because of his assumed fate. If he was to die for any reason, despite his distaste for the vamp, he knew Kai was the best person to take his place. He knows Kai loves Lexi the same as he does. Basically, this was Kellan’s way of making sure Lexi was loved, cared for and protected even after he dies. If he isn’t able to escape fate that is…

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow! Now that’s dedication, and hopefully pleasureful. I have a hand full of books that I could read over and over again. I know the plot, know what’s going to happen, but still get so much pleasure and enjoyment from reading them over and over again. Surprisingly, I tend to find something new, or something didn’t sink in or I possibly missed the first thousand times. lol Glad I could offer you something similar 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m working on the book right now. I will be traveling quite a bit in February, so it depends on how much writing I’m able to squeeze in while I’m there. If all goes well, then I’ll be looking at a release date in the end of February or early March 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      To be honest, I’m not sure since everything is a bit scattered around. I haven’t started piecing things together yet, which is also why I’m waiting to announce an official release date.

  79. Lexi rocks says:

    Oh ok… Btw im kalle and im 11 and a big fan of yours<3 I absulutly love the Vamp Chronicles!!! I hope Kellan doesnt die!! I sent you an email if you could send me one back thanks so much you truly inspire me!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m going through my e-mails now, and actually just happened to finish responding to yours. Check your e-mail 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Definitely no writer’s block! I actually have the opposite issue. I have so many stories and ideas and not enough time! Sometimes I really wish we didn’t have to sleep. lol I do have the goal of getting book 4 out earlier rather than later though 🙂

  80. Ciara says:

    I absolutely love your books. I have been waiting for months hoping you would finish book 4 soon, but since my birthday is March, it would really make me happy if the book was finish around then. Good luck writing and have fun traveling. 🙂

  81. Isabella says:

    Was just wondering when you finish writing the 4th book can you please put it on “Amazon Kindle” for me to purchase and put on my kindle.

    Thank-you and just to let you know i love this series and it my favourite aswell. Keep up the good work!!!!

  82. vampyourself says:

    hi christin,
    i just made a blog on recomendations for books and i was just wonering if it was ok if i could recomened your books. i would also like to put the blurb of the book and the cover pictures if thats ok.
    ps love ur books

  83. Vivian Adams says:

    Just finished book three! Yays! I was having a panic attack ’cause I didn’t know if you were making more books. I came here and found out you hope to make seven. :)! It would be sooooo cool to make movies of Lexis’s (and Kellan’s) adventures. Mel reminds me of my friend Anna so much it’s not even funny. Your books are my faves!!! :)! ❤

    • christinlovell says:

      Yay! Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the books. I would love to see them made into movies. If the offer comes along, I would definitely sign on the dotted line 🙂

  84. Vivian Adams says:

    I have been e-mailing you back and forth and I am enjoying talking to you. When I got a hold of your books Twilight went out the window! Love everything about your books and you!!!!!!!! 🙂 ;)!

  85. Mayra says:

    So I just read the first book about 2 days and had to buy the 2nd & 3rd. I can’t wait til the fourth one is out. I honestly like this better then twilight lol. Please let ne know when the 4th will be out so I can purchase it!.

      • Mayra says:

        Your a great writer i have definetly recommened these books to my friends. They are totally worth the money. I love the love triangle between kellan and kai.

      • christinlovell says:

        Thank you! Recommendations from friends are invaluable and I really appreciate it! And a good love triangle always adds a bit of spice to a story 😉

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m out of the country right now, but once I return later this week, I plan to take a look at what I have so far and determine a release date. So, by the end of next week, I should have a release date for everyone 🙂

  86. Ellie Isom says:

    I CANT WAIT for the fourth book!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the only problem is i will read it and then it will be over and i will be sad again

    • christinlovell says:

      If it makes you feel any better, I do the exact same thing with series books. I’ve tried to slow down, but I can’t. So what I do now is I escape to somewhere quiet with an iced coffee and something to munch on when scenes get intense. Basically I make the most of my time reading the book; make it as pleasurable as possible. Granted, I’ll be sad when I read the last page, probably even a little angry that more isn’t out already, but at least I can say it was an enjoyable couple hours. It’s an indulgence I do only with those types of books. Making those hours so decadent, like a rich chocolate cake, I only allow myself to indulge with those books, which sadly are few and far between these days…

  87. kellan's HOT!!!! says:

    Ya I ono I hav alresy commented but I just wanna say u r an amazing author!!! Ur diary of a vampeen books r awesome I was hooked!! U hav a real gift and ur books r awesome!!!!

  88. Laney says:

    Omg!!! I love your books I finished the first one in one dAy and can’t put them down. If I don’t read for longer than 30 minutes I go crazy!!! Omg I wish kellan existed he is fricken sexy!!! Don’t stop writing!! Ever!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you’ve enjoyed them. Kellan is very sexy 😀 hehe I absolutely plan to keep writing though, and book 4 will be coming out in March, so you don’t have much longer to hold out for more of Kellan 😉

  89. Amy says:

    I just finished book 3 of DofV. Your books are awesome. I couldn’t put them down!!!! I read all 3 in 3 days. I can’t wait until the next book… when are u expecting to release Book 4? I was so excited when i heard Book 3 is not the end….Great work, any movies based on these books???? thanks Again.. Amy

    • christinlovell says:

      Book 4 is set for release on March 18, 2012. No movie deals yet, but I’m happy focusing on the books for now. I love that you’re enjoying them. Thank you!

  90. Lauren says:

    OMG… I cannot wait for book four. I have read the other 3 books at least 7 times each. I love your writing and the way you describe each detail so perfectly. I was hoping to find out if you have a date for book four yet and hope you enjoy your holiday!!! 🙂 😀

    • christinlovell says:

      It will be. I’m sorry for the delay. It’s actually on my list of things to do. I had some formatting issues. For now though, you could always purchase it on Smashwords ( for your Kobo. Sorry!

  91. deewith3 says:

    OK- just got through all 3 books in 3 days- my hubby and 3 kids thought i had gone crazy. These books were so much fun to read– YAY for Christin!!!!! Can’t wait for the 4th… I hope though that the series will have a “Disney” ending– Kellan can’t die!!!!! I found your books on Amazon by accident and am so glad I did. These totally gave some of the other books out there a healthy dose of competition. Haven’t had a fun read like this in a long time!!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      I love it! lol Thank you so much! Hopefully the house didn’t turn to chaos with you pre-occupied those 3 days, but I’m so glad you had a great “escape” with the books 🙂

  92. Kayla says:

    I love the books, cant wait for the fourth book and the rest of the series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Craig is my fav character he is so funny!

      • Katie says:

        I cant find the book on the bookstore for the kinde. Fire! Would u help me please? I love all of ur books and Im waiting to find your 4th book but I just cant find it wich that means I’m forced not to read the books!! HELP ME PLSEASE!!!

    • jenna says:

      I read the third book in two or three days and I cant wait for the fourth! I hope they get turned into a movie. And you should make me one of your characters 😉

    • christinlovell says:

      Yay! I’m excited for book 4 as well. As of right now I don’t have any plans for more than 7 books, but you never know. Nothing is ever concrete.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! So glad you’re enjoying them! Book 4 is coming… but all good things come to an end at some point. Let’s just hope it’s a happy ending 🙂

  93. Lily Butler says:

    I love this seris!!!!!! I was really chancing it when i got the first book because I hated Twilight. Once i got into it, I couldn’t put it down! I’m dying to know, but when is book 4 coming out?! And, have you already chosen the cover art for it?

    • christinlovell says:

      That’s wonderful! Thank you! I haven’t chosen the cover art for book 4 yet, but it’s on my list of to-do’s, especially since book 4 has a release date of March 18, 2012 🙂

  94. Jordan says:

    Ok so ive read 23 books since i read your book series and WOW everytime im done with one book i always end up comparing it to your books!! and your books always seem to be better!!! I have your books in my head everyday doing rewinds of what i read and my favorite part!!! i also did a book report on your book for my class and i got a lot of them to read your first book!!!!! THey want to read the second book to but ill miss my kindle WAY to much!!!!! but they all said they’ll buy it or they’ll have their paretns take them to the library to get it!!!! or they said they would buy it off they’re paretns kindle!!!!!!!!

    • Makala says:

      I agree about comparing ur books! I have read a couple series, and they were good-but urs are much better! If I need to decide something-I would think about:

      What would Lexi do?
      What would Kellan do?
      What would Kai do?
      How would Mel react?

      I love this series!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow! That’s amazing! Thank you so much! I hope you got an A+ on your book report! I hope your class mates enjoy the book just as much. You’ve totally blown me away with that. Thank you again. I really appreciate it! Keep reading! 🙂

  95. jennifer McB says:

    Is there any chance of this book being released like right now? I just finished book 3 and am really looking forward to the new book.

  96. emily says:

    I am so excited foe book four!!!! I literally can’t wait! I finished all three books in a week I could not put it down! I’d catch myself reading on my phone during all my classes and being s bored my teachers had to pat me on the shoulder! Not yelling at me realizing I was doing something educational! Thank you so much for these wonderful books!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you so much for reading them! So glad you enjoyed them, and also that you didn’t get in trouble in class. Can’t wait to bring you all book 4 soon 🙂

  97. Kayla Cordero says:

    Omg! I loveeee Kellan! I really hope he lives:) And book 4 sounds amazing. I have read and re-read this series. Your’re an amazing author. Move over Twilight:)

  98. Lily says:

    This should be very interesting lol:) I can’t wait i had my best friend the first 3 books and now we both can’t Wait for the 4th book and the rest in the series to come but gotta admit when the series are over imma be sad 😦 for once I was actually reading and my parents thought I was sick because before I would never read ahaha now I love reading

    • christinlovell says:

      That is awesome! Thank you! I love that you’re reading now! It’s my favorite pastime. And I’m so glad you and your best friend have enjoyed the series so far. Book 4 is coming March 18th, 2012, but keep reading some other stuff between now and then. A good book never hurt anyone 😉

  99. Sapphire chick says:

    Now that was mean, can’t wait to reed it now Its all I do is read but in book 3 I can’t pitcher kellen in a gray nitted scarf on :/ and I’m still puzaled why Lexi is now a glow worm when someone she cars about is threatened with there life :/ But in all I’ve reed all 3 books in 3 days and now I feel losted and puzzled I need that 4th book for answers please carry on more 🙂 sapphire

    • christinlovell says:

      lol Sometimes, people do things that make you scratch your head. It’s those little quirks that add a new layer to the person, shows that there’s more that has yet to be revealed about them. As for Lexi, there will definitely be more of an explanation in book 4. She’s analytical, and just as there was an explanation about vamps in book 1, there will be an explanation for her sudden “glow” in book 4. Your question will have an answer on March 18, 2012 🙂

    • Bibiana says:

      i cant contain myself either….. i ve actually considered stalking u lol jk but really the patience is pooping me in its mouth,chewing on me,then spitting me out ugh!! i cant wait!!!!(for book 4) teehee 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        LOL I’ve never heard it be described like that! Altho, I did see your correction above, so it makes more sense now 😉

  100. Mayra says:

    So the 4th book is coming out March 18th!. that’s going to be my 19th birthday! Came wait for it. I will definitely be buying it.

    • christinlovell says:

      Honestly, I’m cutting it close already since it will be at least a week with the editor and another day or two for me to complete the edits so it’s not likely. But, of course, if it is finished sooner, it will be available sooner 🙂

  101. Ciara says:

    Omg! I just read that book 4 is coming out March 18! That is 4 days after my birthday. I have been waiting awhile now for you to give us the release date and now I am totally satisfied by the big news. Can’t wait 🙂

    P.S.: I’ll count the book as a late birthday present but with equal care and happiness as if it were on my actual birthday.

    • christinlovell says:

      Awesome! I’m finding there are quite a few of you with March birthdays. I think it’s going to be a great month 🙂

  102. sama says:

    im so happy and cant wait for the next book!!!i thought its only 3 books and at the end of the 3rd one im like what the heck just happened??!!i love them.thanks

  103. Maria says:

    Oh my god I can’t wait for u to release it. Ps can u let us see the cover before u release the book because that will definitely help the waiting

  104. loveridge101 says:

    I love your books they are so addictive I love the Vamp Chronicles the most though I cant wait to read the 4th your book are absolutely amazing and I got my teacher. To fall in love and she wants it to be a recommend read in are fantasty unit!

  105. Hannah :) says:

    Love the books and have read all of them out so far. O cant wait till the 4th book. So excited! Your an amazing writer and your vampires r great I love kellan and kai!! I really am glad you wrote and is still writting this series!!

  106. Spills says:

    OMG!!!!! I love these books I can’t wait for the fourth one.😍😃 were did you get the idea of Craig, I love the fact he is Austialian. I hope your books become a movie!!😜

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I felt like a laugh-out-loud humorous character was needed, especially given all the tension in their adventures. Also, Kellan is serious most of the time, and from what I’ve observed, our best friends tend to bring out the best in us. They push us when we need to be pushed and pull out the best in us. I feel like Craig does that with Kellan. As for Craig’s nationality, could you really picture him saying the things he says with an American accent? lol
      I would love to see the books be made into movies, particularly see Craig come alive on screen, but until someone comes along and offers me that deal, I’m satisfied writing the series 🙂

  107. Trisha Kay Pope says:

    I absolutely love the books. The third book was great but I didn’t love where it ended. I read all three books within a few days and hadn’t done my research to find out there was another book coming out but I am super excited and cant wait to read it. I am a vampire addict!

  108. Kaycie says:

    AAHHH!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me Kellen does not die!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im going crazy i need to read the rest of the books!!!!! i officially love them more than the twilight saga and that is saying alot i just love the way Christin Lovell writes & i love Kellen & Lexi

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the books. Unfortunately though, I can’t/won’t reveal anything regarding the end of the series until it’s time. I can promise I will do the series justice 🙂

  109. Tiffany says:

    I love these books! Read all 3 in 4 days. Luckily I just finished book 3 yesterday so I don’t have to wait to long for the next one! Way better than Twilight!

  110. jayna gomez says:

    When can you per-order book 4 on kindle I reely can’t wait to read it I been rereading all 3 books so please let me know so I can order the book
    Thank you

    • christinlovell says:

      Unfortunately I will be working on the book right up until the last second, so it won’t be available for pre-order. Sorry!

  111. Kyeira says:

    I have a few questions. In the first book you said Kellans fathers name was spelled Alessandro instead of Alejandro and why does Kellan think Lexi loves Kai?

    • christinlovell says:

      That was a typo thanks to auto-correct. It kept changing Alessandro to Alejandro. After a while I just changed it permanently to Alejandro as to not continually fight Microsoft Word. I’m in the process of editing the first two books, and that is something that will be corrected. Thanks for sharing though! 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      It’s available. It’s just in a different category. If you search by my name then it should appear. Sorry for the trouble!

    • christinlovell says:

      Yay! Book 4 does touch on Kellan and Lexi’s insecurities. I think it would do a better job of answering your question 🙂

  112. Indira says:

    OMG!(: IM IN LOVE WITH THESE BOOKS! This is hard to say buut ALMOST AS GOOD AS TWILIGHT! NO I THINK IT IS AS GOOD AS TWILIGHT! Amazing books and i cant wait to read book 4! ❤ I Legit read the first 3, 12 times each!

  113. Jennifer Harrington says:

    Love the series!!! I think u should talk with a movie person about turning it into aa movie or tv show. Something these books are just two good for it not to be out there for the whole world to see. Plus i think it would give Twilight a run for the money!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I would love to take them to that level. I’m focusing on writing the series right now, but the door is always open if someone approaches me about it 🙂

  114. Chloe says:

    Omg I just read the first one I knw I’m really late but it was so good I love it so much I’m usually not into love stories but this is great do you think they wud make it a movie???

    • christinlovell says:

      I would love to see them made into a movie. Fingers crossed that it will come some day, but for now, I’m content writing the series 🙂

      • Chloe says:

        Yeah that sounds good so is hard to become a writer because I’m currently writing a book and I would like to see if it’s even worth continuing would you be able to help me if possible???

    • Sunni says:

      I would be kind of scared if it was a movie.. cause they couldnt capture the true characters! (And Kellans sexiness!!!<3)
      ~Kellan and Alexa forever~<3<3<3<3

  115. Lisa says:

    Hey. I just discovered the first book and it was so good but I can’t find the second or third one. 😦 Can someone please tell the a little about what goes on in them cause I can’t find them anywhere at all.

    • christinlovell says:

      Where have you searched for them? They are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes/iBookstore as well as Smashwords and a few other places. I’m hoping you’ve been able to find them…

  116. autumn says:

    hi im sure i will absolutely sure i will die reading ur next book i love ur books and it just makes me feel envious to lexi because she gets the best guy in the world and her bf is amazing so again i want to say thank u for writing these books

  117. Deanna says:

    I love your books and I hope I meet a guy as half as good as Kellan! And please please tell me when the next books are coming out! I love the way you have written this and lease do more than seven books!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! Book 4, Vamp Versus Vamp, is set for release on March 18th. As for the series total, I’m definitely keeping an open mind. If I feel more than 7 books are needed, then I’ll continue 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      I know! I was just talking to my grandma about that! Sunday it was cool and I needed long sleeves. Yesterday and today I’m sweating my butt off in the heat and humidity. Ugh! I hate it! I was robbed of a solid winter and I want it! lol

  118. Kelly says:

    Uggh………. counting the days, actually made a paper chain….. watching the teacher with my mind on #4 , just hope it wont be sold out for kindle!!!!! 🙂

      • Kelly says:

        Sorry, just assumed. Oh and, your kids might like to read the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.

      • Kelly says:

        I actually read them myself, I am on the second series. It is called The New Prophecy. I am on Starlight.

    • Bibiana says:

      OMG I cannot wait for the fourth book!!! I seriously start hypervenilating when i see the date!! Just 8 more days to go!!! I have been reading like a mad girl!!! I mean im 12 yrs old and i have not read a book that many time let alone 3!! Even my mom got me in trouble for reading that much.LOL. She says that I have changed A LOT since i got those books…… I just cant wait!!!

  119. Mariyah says:

    Okay, I’m freaking out a little… I saw a comment that said that they hope that the 4th book of dofV won’t be sold.out for kindle? Is that possible becuz if they can.get sold out and I dnt have my own ….. I will cry!!! So please tell me this isn’t true… ;(

      • Mariyah says:

        Oh THANK YOU!!!!! For checking lol …. that definately calmed my nerves… I hope all is going well on book four and I’m very excited!!!!!! 😀

  120. autumn says:

    I can’t wait just 17 guess what my teachers were trying to get my attention when i was reading ur books again and they spent 5 min. trying to get my attention!!!!LOL!!!

  121. I love books says:

    Ahhh!!!! The cover is here 😀 I actually love your books 🙂 your such an amazing writer 🙂 will vamp verses vamp be on iBooks?? Could you let me know how much it is??? Can’t wait to read it 😀

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! It will be on iBooks the same day; no delay this time. It will be the same price as the last, $2.99 🙂

      • christinlovell says:

        That’s a good question. I usually just type in the US price and have the distributor automatically calculate the equivalent in Euros to charge. The USD price will be $2.99, so whatever the Euro price equivalent is, that will be the charge. I hope that made sense and helps.

  122. Kelly says:

    Love the new cover! Can’t wait! Hey, um… maybie Led should get a travle buddy, like dog cat bird ferret I k.ow she has been traveling a lot, but maybe she could keep a pet in her purse.

    • christinlovell says:

      Book 4 will be uploaded to iBookstore / iTunes the same day as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I know they have been lagging in their quality assurance checks, but hopefully it won’t take to long to be made available upon completion.

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow! Thank you! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far! I’m still working on book 4 at the moment, but promise to let everyone know once it’s been sent off to the editor. A solid release date is generally about a week from then 🙂

  123. Hannah :) says:

    So loving your books so much I have to ask what captured you to start writting this series! Cause I mean they r magnificent books!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I wrote this series because I was struggling to relate to any other vamp character/story line out there. I wanted a relate-able character who started out human, full of emotion and insecurity, so I could connect with her early on. Once the connection was solidly forged, I knew I could venture off the beaten path into the paranormal aspect of things, but I still aim to intertwine applicable life lessons, understandable emotions and raw reflection that allows the relationship between the reader and the character(s) to continue to deepen. Hopefully I’ve achieved that 🙂

  124. Jannie says:

    I personally think Lexi should end up with Kai rather than Kellan, nothing against him I just think Kai would be best. Maybe that would change if we saw a point where he had a chance with Lexi and saw how he would act, because I think Kellan is too protective. Not that being protective is wrong, just that there’s a point where it’s to much. That’s just my personal opinion.

    • Jannie says:

      I think this books are amazing I reread them constantly, I was so busy ranting on my first comment I didn’t even say how great you are. You give the characters soo much personality, and flair and you storyline is soo catching it’s hard to stop reading. I feel like you work so hard on the plot, and you definitly succeed. 🙂

  125. Jordyn says:

    Before i read your books i was addicted to The Hunger Games by Susan Collins after her series ended i visted my dad and step mom in florida and she was reading your series in my point of view the Hunger Games and Twilight can move aside cuz your books stole my heart ❤ i have been non stop reading them and when i got to the third book i cried thinking it was over till i found your webpage and seen that there is a 4th book thank you so much for being an amazing author
    ~ loving it

  126. kimberley says:

    i think the books are amazing i cant wait for book 4 how many books will there be altogether and i hope lex is with kellen forever ❤ x

    • christinlovell says:

      Err… or maybe a bit longer. Sorry! I’m diligently working on book 4. I promise to let everyone know once it’s sent to the editor. A solid release date will be about a week from then.

  127. Jenni says:

    I am 27 years old and I really like these books. Even though Lexi is way younger than me and these books are great for teens older people can enjoy them as well. I have told some of my friends that are my age about them and they also love them. By the way my daughter’s name is Lexi so love the name 🙂 I have read twlight and sookie stackhouse novels (the true blood series books) but the vampeen books are my favorite! Your a great author cant wait for the next one!

  128. Kelly says:

    9 more days. Oh my God, I swear I will be in the emergency room from to-much-waiting sickness when the count-down is 3 more days.

  129. Kelly says:

    Wait, does Gabby DIE?? or Kai?!? Or Kalel!?!? Personally love the Gawain thing with the guys. Oh, and since gabby and jack =<3, do we hear from gabby again?

  130. jenna says:

    Hi I was the one that asked you to make me a character in ur next book. I just spent a long time scrolling. Trying toind my post before and I couldnt so I’m just going to post again. I don’t care what kind of character just as long as I don’t die in the end lol. And when does the fourth book come out?

    • christinlovell says:

      lol This is quite an odd request, but a fun one that I’m turning into something more. (Details soon.) As for book 4, I’m still working on it, but promise to let everyone know once it’s sent to my editor.

  131. JodaLee says:


  132. Bibiana says:

    OMG I cannot wait for the fourth book!!! I seriously start hypervenilating when i see the date!! Just 8 more days to go!!! I have been reading like a mad girl!!! I mean im 12 yrs old and i have not read a book that many time let alone 3!! Even my mom got me in trouble for reading that much.LOL. She says that I have changed A LOT since i got those books…… I just cant wait!!!

  133. Kaylee says:

    Best book series I have ever read!! Love it! I can’t wait till this book comes out. I would also like to know if this new book “Vamp Versus Vamp” is the last book of the series. I can’t stop reading when I start reading at the first page, I love it!!

  134. chany richey says:

    OMG i just love this series!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was bout ready to freak out when i thought the 3rd book was the last one in the series i was bout to freak and through punches in the wall and floor. i get really into books soo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD

    • christinlovell says:

      Awesome! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the books! Don’t do too much damage at the end of the series. Luckily, you have 4 more books to go, which is plenty of time to add needed fortitude to your walls 😉

  135. Lali says:

    Omg I’ve been loving this books so much I read almost all of them in three days I love these books!!!!!! I so can’t wait till the next book comes out is there going go to be more books after book four?

      • Danielle says:

        Awesome, am loving these books too. Also enjoyed book 3.5. I am going to be so impatient for the rest of books. Hope you can write super fast. Christin you are very talented.

  136. Melissa says:

    This series has been exciting to read. I’m not sure how many books make up the entire series but I plan to be one of the die hard readers until the end. I just hope the relationship between Lexi and Kellan keeps going and you keep him alive with a loophole in this prophecy. Although I enjoy the rest of the characters I think it would be devastating not to keep Lexi and Kellan’s characters together throughout.

    Keep up the great work. I look forward to future books from you.

  137. I love books says:

    Hi, I was just wondering would you ever think about creating a character who had curly hair and who was small?! (I’ve never read a book with someone like me in it, and I’ve read ALOT of books)

  138. I love books says:

    You’re books are brilliant and I love lexi and I’m really enjoying the series! It excellent! Do you think Kai will ever find a girl instead of lexi? I have an idea for a character if you want my idea, just let me know 🙂

  139. kendra parker says:

    i just got to say is that i love your books and cant wait for the rest of them to come out.. i just got done reading the third book today (: i don’t think i read a book that fast in a while.. and i absolutely LOVE Kellan.. i hope he doesn’t die but i guess ill have to wait and find out (: i can’t wait!!

  140. Jordan says:

    do you know the cost of the book yt???? cause i just acccidently spent all my money on other books and didnt noticed i spent all of it tell ytesterday and i only have 5 left!!! if more i gues ill be getting a job!!!! lol

  141. Shanya G says:

    I love your first part of the chronicles and I’m looking foward to reading the rest! Belize Central America is gonna get VAMPED!!!! your writing is brilliant! Pleas write for the rest of your life!

  142. Sharlene says:

    So I finished the three so far, but didn’t know there was going to be another, so I actually got depressed! Hahaha, these books have been a shining light for me. The few things bringing me joy these days. Thank you so much for writing them! I am totally in love with both Kellen and Kai, completely understand Lex’s feelings! Wish I had two super hott vamps fighting over me! Your an amazing writer, and plan on following this to the end!

  143. Jenny says:

    So it is the 18 and book 4 is not on amazon I am loosing my mind I am about ready to pull my hair out.. I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!

  144. Juliee says:

    When will book 4 come out on iBooks. I’m dieing to read it and I love the other 3 books I couldn’t but them down.!

  145. lindsey says:

    Ooooo. I am so mad I really wanted to read that book and get away from my family. My CRAZY FAMILY! !!! THANKS! !!!!! 😦

  146. JodaLee says:

    This sucks! I just found out I have state testing for the next 3 weeks! I cant stay up to read or I wont be concentrated and will get a bad score an owe my electives for the next three years!!!! Man I hate state testing!!!!!!!

  147. Alyssa Plante says:

    Hi Christin!

    I’m a big fan of Diary of A Vampeen, and I have a couple questions for you.

    First, when is Vamp versus Vamp coming out in iBooks? I have been waiting for a while now!

    Second, I think it would be really cool if Diary of a Vampeen was made into movies!!

    Just some thoughts. Thanks and keep up the awesome books! 🙂

  148. Sally says:

    Im ashamed to say this because the series of the vampire/vampeen books came out a while ago and i only started book 1 about 1 day ago on my iphone and finished it but now im dying to go to the library and a bookstore to buy book 2,3,and now 4!! Im so excited to start the books now!! 🙂

  149. Kiki says:

    When will the fourth book come out?? I’ve looked on the kindle store and the itunes store and have been really disappointed!!! Can you give us the date for when it really comes out???

  150. Dawn says:

    In February when she was asked :
    When is the fourth book coming out??? I can wait to read it!!!


    christinlovell said:

    February 29, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    March 18th 🙂

  151. Theresa Kahae says:

    I really enjoyed reading these books to this point. Can’t wait for the next book. My daughters will want to read these books too.

  152. Ashlee says:

    im sooooooooooo exited i cant wait till book 4 and ya we have to wait a littl longer but at least its coming out sooon right ?

  153. Bethany says:

    OMG!!!!!!!! I just found out about there being a fourth book!!!!!! I was ssoo bum how the last one ended and was like :” nooo it cant end like this.” So you have no idea how happy I am right now.. I love this series and dont care how long it takes you to finish( well maybe a little dont make us wait forever) Im jumping in and ut of my skin… Love the books keep them coming
    Bethany 🙂

  154. caleb says:

    I have posted before but not in a while. But I have been deffinetly dissapointed so is all my girly friends btw(ism not gay)

    • Cindy says:

      April 18th. Christin has been dealing with some health issues. She has to rest her eyes and not go on pc too much. She is trying to write a little each day in hopes book 4 will be finished and of great quality writing, instead of rushing and doing a poor job. I can’t wait as well for Book 4 to come out either.Hope I answered your question.

  155. Kayla Cordero says:

    Hi Christin! I hope you feel better. And I hope this doesn’t become anything too serious. I’d hate to have my favorite author be in pain.. I had a question though. I too am an aspiring author ( though I’m only 13.) What is it that made you want to write?

  156. I love books says:

    Hi I was just wondering why Diary of a vampeen isn’t on iTunes anymore??? I was recommending it to my friend :/

  157. Hannah :) says:

    Hey I have looked everywhere on my kindle and I’m late since I had testing all three weeks but I cant seem to find it! If the release date has changed please let me know thanks! I luv the covers 2!

  158. loveridge101 says:

    I have looked everywhere on the kindle and cant find book4 when will it be released for the kindle? I have been rising to read it

  159. jennifer fowler says:

    I just read the first book this evening and i am a fan forever. Lex , kellan, mel…. wonderful characters. I will be purchasing the rest of the series.

    • Lejla Hodzic says:

      Mel is like the perfect bffl she reminds me of mine 😀
      i dont know why but ever since I’ve read these books I have decided to date guys with green eyes only …. reminds me of kellan idk y? hahahaha im such a weirdo 🙂

      and do you guys know the release date of book 4 ????

      I have been going crazy

      • wolfpersonable says:

        MEE too ive only been looking for guys wit green eyes lol yup Kellan seems to be thae awesome guy to be in a relationship with lol 🙂

  160. Sam says:

    She said that it got pushed back a month because of health problems. April 18th is the officail release date people!!!!

  161. Alyssa :( says:

    Ummmmmmmm is there really going to be seven books?I am still Alyssa the ten year old and truely if you met me you would see a muture little 13 year old as my mom says.Every one makes fun of me for the way my body is shaped. So I come home and read your books and they make feel better.I read so much I get in trouble for reading during class. Please have your book in the kindle store soon.

  162. I love books says:

    You’re books are brilliant and I love lexi and I’m really enjoying the series! It excellent! Do you think Kai will ever find a girl instead of lexi? I have an idea for a really interesting character 😀

  163. Allison says:

    This is for the contest for kindle or nook:
    My eyes pitch black as the ocean on a warm stormy night while that glimmer in the sunlight captiving as a star in the pitch black of the night on the country side, but intrgiude to find the lock up serects and emotions hidden benathe that breathe taking beauty.

  164. Amanda Gray says:

    When will you be releasing the 4th book? I’m so excited and can’t wait to read it. You are a great author me and my husband both love your books.

  165. Alyssa :( says:

    Sorry to brag but I read all three books in a day so I amm exvited. Miss Cristin I may be only ten but I love your books. are a really good writer and I cant decide if I like kellan or Edward better.

  166. Deanna says:

    Hi I absolutely love your books. I was just wondering when book 4 will be out and on iTunes? I’m anxious to read it!!!

  167. Jordan says:

    Gang i wish the book waws out all ready but i hope Christin starts to feel lots better!!!!!!! will kepp her in my prayers!!!!! and just hope shes ok? but i really wish the book was out cause im getting tired of reading other books just where im not bored!!!!!

  168. mackenzie says:

    ok so i have been rereading the books at least four time and am going for a fith when our teacher comes around and asked everyone for the name of the book i was reading and i said diary of a vampeen she was like wait you meen diary of a vampire and i told her no it was vampeen and then she asked what a vampeen was and i had to explain it to her then she walked off with a look that siad wow kids and the books they read. it was funny. i love your books christin thank you for writing them. 🙂

  169. sierra says:


  170. jennifer says:

    I love your books on a personal level. You are the first writer to pull on my heart strings with Lexi. I think you are an awesome writer because you are something special that I have not read before. You take the imperfections of a person and turn them to be perfections. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to read the rest!!!

  171. Alyssa Plante says:

    Hi Christin,
    I have a couple of questions:

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your health, what happened??
    2. How much does Book 4 cost??

    3. In the epilogue of book 3, Lexi is with her son. I am confused. Did Kellan die? I feel as if I am missing something crucial!!
    4. Does Mel transform in book 4? (exited to see her reaction)
    Thanks! Please get back to me ASAP !!

    • Lejla Hodzic says:

      hi I might not be the author but I can answer a couple of your questions 😉

      1. I heard she was sick and feeling a little tired she tried finishing the book but took a little break to be back to normal and healthier.

      2. around 4 dollars maybe 3

      3. He is alive I asked her that too and she said he will be alive for many more books to come

      4. Yes Mel is going to be transformed

      I really hope this helped answer your questions 😉

  172. Kennedy says:

    I love the books, I lock my door I read ur books all day my mom is so shocked I read all these books and never get tired of them I would rather read ur books over twilight any day .Alexa & Kellan are so good together .

  173. Christina says:

    I love your books they are better than twilight I finished 1-3 in like two days I can’t wait for book 4 and is lexi’s child vamp/ vampire?

  174. I love books says:

    Hi Christin 🙂
    I have some questions for you 🙂

    1. Will Kai ever find someone instead of lexi?
    2. Would you ever use my idea gor a character in your book?
    3. Are you team Kai or team kellen?

    Love your books, your a brilliant writer

  175. Ashnp13 says:

    Love your books! I can’t stop reading them! Hope you get better soon so you can finish the 4th book faster:) (make some movies please:) )

  176. Tabby Candella says:

    I read your book, “Diary of a Vampeen” on iBooks & I loved it!!! I went to buy the next book in the series, Vamp Yourself for War” but they are not showing it, but the 3rd book, “Hit the Road Jack”
    is avaiable. Any idea on when “Vamp Yourself for War” will be available on iTunes?
    I wanted to use iTunes because I have a $15.00 credit.

  177. jordan says:

    How do I buy this book on my kindle Bc iv tried to but amazon says the book isn’t on there yet and its driving me crazy not being able to read about kellen and lexi

  178. melissa devito says:

    I am a full time mother to two very active little boys. With that said I never have anytime to myself there was always something or someone had to be taken care of. Until I read the first book! Let me tell you I know make time for myself reading these books! I am so addicted!

  179. Savannah says:

    I cant wait til the new book comes out i read evsrything on my nook and look to see if u have posted anything new on the release date!!!

  180. I love books says:

    Hi Christin
    I have an idea for a character, I’m always good at creating characters but I can never make a story with the characters. How do you get ideas for such a great storyline??
    I have some ideas for a character, and I would really like it too be used in your book cause I think it would work really well but I don’t no if you would like the idea or if it would work in your other books :/ please e-mail me at my hotmail address if you would like to find out about my idea

    Love your books they are the best I can’t wait till next week. Your the most inspiring writer and I really love the story line. I think I like Kai better 🙂 who do you prefer? Kai or Kellen?

    • Sally says:

      Omg! I cant believe u even asked a question like that!? I prefer Kellan over Kai….But of course that’s just my opinion! 🙂

      • I love books says:

        Well everyone has an opinion, Christin probably likes both but how would I know. I just asked 🙂

  181. Alexa Daniels says:

    Hey I LOVE the books I’ve only read num1 but I still loved it TOTALLY can’t wait my mom is going to buy me the books soon please be in 3 days when the fourth book is out PLEASE and what a coincidence my name is Alexa too !!

  182. carly says:

    you just have to go to smashwords on your computer and download the kindle version and then save it to your kindle

  183. Anonymous says:

    Alright so I just finished reading your post about your USB drive. First of all, I’m so sorry. I can’t say I know how you feel because I’m not a writer and the most valuable thing I’ve lost is probably like an old shirt or necklace, but I can definitely imagine . Second, it’ll be alright because no matter how long it takes, your fans will be there when you do finish book four. Just relax and try to finish on your own time because honestly, I’d rather wait another year and read an awesome book(because each of the the vamp chronicles books are all totally awesome :P) than wait almost no time at all and end up reading a book that I regret reading after.
    Just remember, no matter how long it takes, we’ll be ready to read and compliment when you’re finished.
    P.S.: Don’t worry about your other books too much either. You can always write new ones 😀

  184. Maria says:

    Hey christin I am so sorry about your flash drive I don’t really care when the book comes out as long as it does come out and it is true what anonymous said you can always write new ones because no one can take that privellage away😄

  185. Ciara says:

    OMG!!!! I am literally hyperventilating over the lose of the flash drive/book 4. I really hope you recover it all or at least find it. Good luck. You’ll need it

  186. Maria says:

    hey christin i just wanted to say dont freak your self out because of misplacing your flash drive like my grandmother says when your least thinking about it you will find it… she is always saying this to me because I am very forgetful of where I put my things. oh and one more keep calm and smile on(huh i just realized that that is what it says on my folder) I need to go study since the state test is coming up( i am upset because it starts earlier this year any way peace):p

  187. lindsey says:

    Hi Christin here are a few good spots to look when u lose something

    •the frezzer
    •under a pillow on your bed
    I am not joking I have lost a hair brush under a pillow 4 three days at camp and my teacher lost her wach in the frezzer for a month. I’m not kiding.
    hope u find ur flash drive
    Your friend

  188. bublygal says:

    Christin why are you not writing back to these comments i’ve been waiting for you to tell us whts been going on and I think when your not even looking for your usb you’ll find it, thts wht always happens to me!!! Anyway good luck and hope you find it. Peace! ❤ 🙂 😉

  189. 'Fudgie' Krystal Rees says:

    Ohhh i can’t wait for book 4! Do u have a release date yet? I’m so confused about kellans fate…. if the prophecy was even speaking of him.. I’m probably over analyzing things but I feel like its a toss up between kai and kellen dying.. as kai loves lexi enough tto share her which is pretty darn loving if u ask me.. and by the prophecy saying she would need someone to support her in his loss.. well kellen would support her but nOt in the way she would need for the loss of someone she loved that much..

  190. jenna says:

    Cant wait for u to finish book 4! l sucks that u lost ur flash drive but I mean now you can add things to make it better than how it was 🙂

  191. rosey says:

    i cant find vamp versus vamp on my kindle in the kindle store 😦 im going mad i have to read book four (will someone help me find it plz)

  192. wish i was lexi says:

    Holy sugerplum i just relized lexi’s fav book store is a real store awsome i wish i was lexi she has everything exept i would hate to lose my two parents…. 😦 i want them to do a movie on the seris,but you would need the perfect guy for KELLAN and ALEXA!!!! i have kellan’s image in my head and hes hot, hehe to much info from my head!! lol

  193. wish i was lexi says:

    can someone help me find vamp versus vamp in the kindle store!?!?!?! plz im going crazy mad i need book four my eyes cant read anything else when i look at a book my mind drifts into the world of vampeens,vampires and then to lexi,kellan,kai,kalel,gabi,mel and of course craig and all the other if you help i will ne so thankful!! 🙂 🙂

  194. Nana says:

    Omg I live the series it’s the best. I’m 13 and I read the books on my kindle like twice I am in love with the series deem does book four come out?

    • Nana says:

      I am going to die if the book doesn’t come out. I don’t know which books I like better yours or the morganville vampires. Let me know which book you like I prefer book number 2. I just love that book. And I am also writing a book with a vampire mermaid and werewolf maybe my book will be as good as yours someday but I doing it

  195. wish i was lexi says:

    im really not trying to be mean im just asking y no one has been on here and i want to kno y the books arnt available by books i mean book 4

  196. Jessica says:

    I love these books!! When is it coming out because I can’t find it on the anazon book store for my kindle fire…..

    • Emily Sirera says:

      Best series ever!! I read 1-3 in a day I love it so much, the books are great! I can’t wait for book 4 and I’m srry bout your lost flash drive 😦

  197. bmorerobin says:

    The Vampeen saga encompasses so much about life, love, land loss. I never thought I would get so wrapped up in a story line. I am glad to know that I am not the only crazy person who can’t get enough of these books. I’ve read and re-read them all more times than I can count over these last three months. My favorite character has been Kellan all the way. I wish I could read the first book from his point of view. Anyhow, I was glad see previous posts stating there will be 7 books in all. I get so caught up in them. I thought I was going to die when my battery died while I was re-reading book 2. Hope your health is good and your fortune turns around. I will eagerly await book 4. Hopefully, I can learn more about Mel’s transformation. From the title, Vamp versus Vamp, I thought that Leka and Mel were going to go at it once Mel transforms but with the except about Leka’s grandfather…I just don’t know…And that’s the best part!

  198. jaimie says:

    I must admut I bought book one because it was free ,in my kindle. I instantly fell in love with,the series & cant wait 4 more! Any idea when,we can be expecting book 4?

  199. Liesle says:

    love your writing Christin, started with Allure and now just finished ready this series in under 2 days could not put it down. Love all the characters can not wait to continue in the journey.

  200. Julia :D says:

    I just finished reading book 3. is book 4 out? cause i couldent find it on my kendall. but anayways. your AMAZING. i loves these books more then i love myself. that takes a lot(;

  201. wish i was lexi says:

    who thinks its hard to comcentrat at school when all u can think about is the vamp chronicals!?!? (me)

  202. Alexa says:


      • Ciara says:

        You guys are horrible people for yelling at christin like that. It is not her fault she lost her USB drive. It is only yours for being so impatient.

  203. Tawana Carter says:

    I’m an adult and totally addicted. I have people at work reading the series. The book is taking forever to come out

  204. Lejla says:

    Ok so its been like 7 or 6 days since the last post so I decided to start posting again and fans Im just as excited for book 4 Like I’m going insane I have read all the books and it’s my like 300th time reading it I never get bored with the series so keep believing the books im pretty sure will come out this month hopefully 😉 😀

  205. Lani says:

    i really need that book my birthday was in april so ill buy it and it will be my late birthday present from myself.

  206. annie says:


  207. Audrey says:

    When will your 4th book be available, I just read 1, 2, & 3 in two days and I need to keep reading. Love your books, anxious for the next one (and hopefully not the last lol)

  208. Maria says:

    Ugh I am so frustrated. I must have a curse or something because all of my three favorite series including yours is still in the process of writing.📝⚡🔥

  209. Lynsey says:

    Can someone please tell me when book 4 is out and if it is already out when can I get it for my iPod I can’t wait anymore xxxxx

  210. bookworm says:

    I cannot wait for book4. These books cannot be placed down. I liked these books so much that I drew a picture.

  211. Shelby says:

    When does Vamp Versus Vamp come out? And might i say if Kellan dies and if him and Lexi dont end up together i wont be very happy!

  212. Monee says:

    No one is yelling its pure anxiety. We are loving readers who want more. It’s just that simple. It sucks the estimated date of early spring was off. I just want to get sucked back into the world of Lexi and her vampeen life.

    P.S I am planning on reading the first three again. I am super excited! Love your work christin

  213. sarah says:

    I was wondering when the books will be going on the kobo website! I keep looking and only book 1 and 2 are there. Any idea when 3 and 4 will be going on?

    P.s I really enjoy your book!!!!

  214. Baillie says:

    FINISH PLEASE!!!!! I mean for reals I need to know what happens!!! And is the wedding one the 4th or the 5th!?!?!?! I NEED TO READ THIS WEDDING!!!! WRITEWIRTEWRITEWRITE!!!!!!!!

  215. ellielovesvampires says:

    OMG! I cant stop reading the books they are wayyyyyyyy too addicting but not in a bad way but holy crap! They’re the only reason that i dont get a lot of sleep cuz i cant stop reading them! ❤

  216. Lani says:

    Go Ciara It’s not Christin’s falt that during the move she lost her USB Drive She’s finishing as quickly as she can we all just need to be paitent

  217. Kelso says:

    I’m from the great land of Australia 🙂 I love your books and have been waiting so patiently for book 4 to show up on kindle but so far no luck 😦 Has it been released on kindle yet?

  218. Maria says:

    Hey christin I just wanted to ask if you have any updated on the book. Your books are awesome because it’s what you want to write an their not forced so I am not gonna rush you. Keep on writing📝

  219. Patrice says:

    Pretty Pretty please tell me book 4 is going to be out soon. spring is nearly over and after that ending in book 3 i cant wait to see what happens with this baby situation

  220. Erica says:

    Absolutely love ths series! I know you said book 4 was coming out in early spring but was wondering if you had a date or maybe even month set for release I defenatley want to get it the day it comes out. Please let me know id really appreciate it. Again awesome series thanks for writing it.

  221. Erykah says:

    I can’t wait for book four ur amazing!I’m 11 years old and I read all the first three books in two days!!!!!:) keep writing!!

    • Alexa says:

      It was but then she did the most IDIOTIC move ever! She LOST book 4! So, It won’t be out for a LOOONG time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Dawn says:

        Well that is just an awful thing to say! She has been thru a lot this past year, losing her health, moving into a new home, taking care of her family. These are all major life events. Me personally, I feel compassion for her and wish her the best. I hope she takes her time on book for as this just may have been a blessing in disguise for her as now she can change or add things that she didn’t think of before, making it even better than it was before it was accidentally lost during her major move! Just say…

  222. Michele Joubert says:

    Hi, I’m new to your work. I will say that I love the vampeen books. I’ve not put them down, except to work. Looking forward to more.

  223. Erykah says:

    The earlier comment from dawn is so rite!!she’s been thru alot this year and we shud all continue tO support her!!

  224. Katelyn says:

    Omg I love your books I read them over and over and still get the same reaction you are awesome and keep writing!!!

  225. Courtney says:

    I cant find the forth book on my kindle or on my itunes. Where can I find it? Also I’m in Australia is that why??

      • Brittany says:

        It’s not out yet – it was about done and she had computer issues. Had to start over. So now it’s summer. As much as I cannot wait to read more, I feel so bad for her that that happened!!! So we will be patient for now… 🙂

  226. Makala says:

    I have a question that has always been on my mind. Are your books in book stores? Or are they only in digital form?

  227. Nicole says:

    OH MY GOSH Love this series… Going through withdrawls not having the next book though I understand the mishap…. I am so recommending these books to all my friends!

  228. goodbookdiscussion says:

    I totally understand the USB thing. I somehow grooved mine so it wouldn’t plug in anymore. I had actually plugged it into the Internet jack on my laptop. Talk about a blonde moment! Ugh! I’m actually trying to lead a discussion about your books on my blog, but not many that follow me know what I’m talking about. Then I found you and it made my day! I’m excited for book 4 (mostly because I saw a cover shot this morning and had no idea). I’m rereading the series right now so I can discuss on my site, but right now it’s a conversation with myself. Whatever. Good luck though! And you know, you’ll probably find that cursed USB right after the book is released. Silly life. Happy Reading!

  229. Hannah Metheney says:

    I am 11 soon to be 12 and I LOVE your books and it is killing me slowly and painfully to wait for book 4 to be done, but I will wait because great things come with precious time. I also think your books are better than twilght! Keep up your great work.

    Keep on writing,
    Sincerely ,
    Hannah Metheney

  230. Kaycie says:

    please please hurry and finish book 4!!!!! i am going through MAJOR withdrawls without it & i am dying to find out what the hell happens!!!! aaaaaah!!!!!!!! but i still love you Christin!!! ❤

  231. Kayla says:

    When will book four be out on kindle???? Or how else can I buy it since it isn’t on kindle yet? I need to feed my addiction! I am 16 and don’t have a lot of patience lol

  232. Jori says:

    When is the 4th book coming out? I’m really confused because I thought it was supposed to come out in march then April but now it is June and as far as I know the book still isn’t out. If the book doesn’t come out soon I think I might die. I love those books!!

  233. hannah3044 says:

    If Kellan dies I’m gonna cry for hours and probably wont sleep for a week or so. Everytime Lexi is wth Kia or Kalel I kinda get a feeling of jealousy in the pit of my stomache…..I feel like yelling at the book (//_^) I’m a bit of a psycho path sometimes.

  234. Katie says:

    Same with me! I wish Kellan was my fiancè! I totally wouldn’t love an other guy again!!!!! However I’m still pretty hummed about not having the 4th book out but I can wait! You should totally put me in the book and I should get between Lexis and Kellan but the and the end of the book make them reunite and we all become friends! If you do don’t put Katie as my name… make my name Lizzy

  235. Nikkie says:

    I have read all 3 books and LOVE the series. Any news on when the 4th book will be out? I am going to reread the other books until then but would love tto know when to keep an eye out for it.

  236. Lily says:

    I cannot wait for Vamp vs. Vamp!!! I am so engrossed with these books that there really is no way to describe how much I love them.

  237. Alisha says:

    me and my friend love these books! Mel and Lexi are exactilly like us, there personalitlys are the exact same and there description (other than the face they are 3 years older) are a lot like ours. My friend is mel and i’m like lexi, even the relationship between the two and us are simular…weve even taken up to calling each other mel and lex.

  238. Lily Butler says:

    I meant to add something to my last comment but forgot. I just wanted to say thank you to Christin for such great books! I also wanted to say that at the end of book 3, I think Kellan made a mistake choosing Kai to take care of Lexi IF the prediction was correct and IF he died (BTW I would totally hate that). I think Kalel would be the better man when it comes to taking care of Lexi after you know what (might) happens.

  239. melissa says:

    I’m obsessed….I loved twilight but so love vamp chronicles more….your an amazing writer…I just wish books 4-7 we here now…I am so a fan of kellan and lexi together and Craig and mel together…I so hope they stay together and nothing bad happens to kellan and lexi and the child….I do jot want to see kellan killed off and lexi w kai n him to raise lexis and kellans kid….I really hope it doesn’t come to that as he is already Proven to b a cheater

  240. Taylor says:

    I love your books! You are a genius, I can’t get enough of kellan. Cannot wait for book 4 to come out, keep up the incredible work!

  241. Isis says:

    Kellan & Lexis all the way! I love them together! You are an amazing aurthor… please keep up the great work…can’t wait for the new book!

  242. Jessica :) !! says:

    Book 1 and 2 are on Kobo and I really enjoyed them. When will book 3 and 4 being going on because i have been waiting a while and im dying to know what is going to happen. Thanks 🙂

  243. Kylie says:

    I’m trying to judge which cover i like best. I’m leaning towards book 1 or 4, but all the covers are really cool.

  244. Tori says:

    Hi I was wondering when vamp vs vamp is coming out.I love your books,it’s just that im done with the vamp series and really hope that the new one will be coming out soon. I love that you have created a website so your fans can talk to you,can’t wait! 🙂

  245. Christina says:

    Hey i am a big fan of all our books finally there is a book i can finally relate to keep up the good work take your time with book 4 dont rush it:)

  246. Chance says:

    AHHHHHH. Book 4 looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
    this is how excited i am.

  247. Elizabeth says:

    Hi let me just say , “HI!! (:” and wow you have a true talent . I love your books ! You even made me cry haha well I’m am so excited for BOOK 4 consider me your official FAN!

  248. Ansleigh says:

    OMG!! ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT!! i am so ridiculously excited! my mom even told me if i didnt stop talking about it i wouldnt get it! 😦 id be super sad!! i read all 3 books the first time in less than 48 hours. and i would like to say im super proud to be a crazy vamp fan!!

  249. Ansleigh says:

    they should totally make a movie!! i would be estatic!! i might go crazy and jump up and down like my sister does when she hears 1D. or i just might have a heart attack!! in a good way! 😛

  250. Maria says:

    hey christin i am so excited about book 4 i started screaming like crazy when i found out it was going to come out July 20th and then my sister started looking at me weird. Well anyways i would like to thank you because i wouldn’t be the bookworm i am now. Before i hated even looking at a book but now 80% of my time consists of reading books, 15% talking about books, and the other 5% is basically everything else. You are an awesome writer and one of my favorite authors! I am so excited and i cant wait aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  251. Brooke says:

    Oh my gosh!! I love them!!! I wish one of them had Kellan on it or something, because I have been dying to see him.. Lol 😀

  252. kayla! says:

    ahahahahahahahahahaha I love your boooooks! Cant wait till 3 and 4 go on kobo!!!! dying to know what is going to happen

    • christinlovell says:

      It should have been available within 24 hours, but it’s not. I’ve contacted apple support, but thus far only have a form letter response. I’ll let everyone know once it’s available. Sorry!

  253. Fudgie says:

    Awe i love the new covers… But now my book set doesnt match 😦 cant wait for vamp versus vamp! When is it due out on amazon in australia?

    • Fudgie says:

      Ahhh! I just went on my kindle app and vamp urself for war has updated to the new cover but diary of a vampeen nd hit the road jack are still the old ones… So does that mean in order for me to have them all the same cover ill have to delete them and purchase them again?

      • Fudgie says:

        Omg omg yes!!!! I have the reading material!!! Ohhhh im excited.. So wanna read it now but its 3am and i gotta go out in the morning!!!! Ohhhh tough decision!!! Vamp versus vamp or sleep… Haha who am i kidding vamp versus vamp of course!!!!!

      • christinlovell says:

        I would say to give it a day or two. If it doesn’t update by then, go ahead and re-sync your kindle. It should pick it up then. Definitely don’t delete them if you don’t have to. I don’t want you to have to pay again.

  254. Kate says:

    Yes I’m totally in love with your books ! Can’t wit for the others you are truly one of my favorite authors M

  255. Eva Hargraves says:

    Just finished Vamp Verses Vamp, your books just keep getting better & better. I also read The Inocense of White , loved how it helps us to have a better feeling for Jack. Of course we can’t help but love Gabi. Now I have to wait patiently [not easy] for the next book. It is like an addiction to Lexi’s Bloody Baked Goddie My daughter down loaded & is reading it too she loves the Vamp Chronicles as much as I do.we love them as much as we love sookie stackhouse & Stephanie Plum. So keep cranking them out to feed our addiction. And god bless you & your family.

  256. sara says:

    I’ve just finished reading vamp versus vamp ,great book soooooo looking forward to the next book.hopefully it won’t b to long a wait!!!!!!!!!!.X

  257. Carly says:

    dont mean to bug but i was reading previous comments and saw that the books would be uploaded on kobo soon. I was wondering if you could fill me in on about how much more time we have to wait?! 🙂

  258. hope says:

    GO BACK TO THE OLD COVERS!!!!!! These change the persons perspective of the character. I like imaging what the characters look like without help.

    • Gabriella says:

      I totally agree with Hope. While the covers are nice I much preferred the older ones because I was able to imagine the character for myself but now that I see the covers I am forced to change my perspective.

  259. Lynsey says:

    Can some ine tell me when book 4 is gunna b on itunes cus im getting very inpatient ;( realy want to read it and i cant nit happy ;(

  260. TiredOfThis says:

    Look II really ljliked the books as well as the old covers.. this is so dumb now there is book 3.5 I’m confused impatient. And everything about this series. Is seriously ticking me off can you please just right the books and stop needing with the covers and losing ur material and… UHG I’m sorry if I’m being rude but I am soliloquy annoyed/: love you writing tho

  261. Aimee says:

    I’m not trying to start anything but damn you sound like one spoiled ass brat. They are her books, her thoughts she can take them any direction she wants. So I’m not sure what you learned as a child but you need to go back and take a manners class.
    Btw Christin, I know you’ve been asked this but I would like to know when book 4 will be on iTunes? Thank you.

  262. Lindsey says:

    Hi christin im so glad u got the 4th book out but i really liked the other covers all my other books are the old ones befor u canged them im one of those people that every thing hase to be the same and i might go nuts but there still cool
    Thanks for finaly geting the 4th book out

  263. the reader says:

    i love your books and i strongly think kia should be with lexi ive read book 4 and i felt kia didnt come as often as i thought he would and i think he should come out with his own book about his backround and how far his love will go for lexi and i mean this in no disrespect i do love the books

  264. Kate says:

    Yay it’s finally out in iTunes I literally screamed though the house when I found it because I had been checking everyday

  265. Brittany Wentz says:

    I wasn’t really liking the new covers but…i’m loving the Vamp versus Vamp new cover! Thought i already had my mental image of Lexi and i don’t like the cover girl face appearing on my head while reading, that one is really cool, they shall all be like that one 😉

  266. Susan says:

    I thought book 5 was supposed to be out this past winter. It’s spring and it’s still not available. When it the date supposed to be? I’m really want to continue reading. Also I am much fonder of the old cover photos. I don’t really like having my own image of Lexi skewed by cover pictures.

  267. elizabeth15louisa says:

    I just finished vamp vs vamp I only saw it was released at the beginning of the Olympics and haven’t put it down since the beginning but it was way better Can’t wait for fall with the release of the next book :D. Highlight of the school holidays
    P.s do you think if you ever found the original copy of vamp vs vamp you would publish it maybe at the end of the seris ?

  268. jade ;) says:

    christin would you explain to me more on how lexi look because i like to visualize the characters and its harder for me to do that when i see a pic of the character please explain how lexi looks


  269. Serena Morey ;) says:

    OMG!! i love these books! I just finished book 4 and it was amazing! Cant wait till books 5-7! I’m 14 and i cant stop reading these books! they are truly amazing! But i wish that lexi would give kai a chance. And Kallen…well what can i say about Kallen! Hes my most favorite character of them all. all but Craig. Love him. All and all you did a fantastic job Christin Lovell!!!!!!!!! I will forever read your books!!!

  270. Alaina says:

    I cant wait!!! i bought the 1st book for free on amazo and im so glad i did! ever since thn ive been hooked on those books! ive read the series so far about 3 times! i cant wait until october! go lexi and christin!

  271. Tiffany says:

    Please don’t kill Kellan at all u can c they are so ment to be together. I can’t wait to see this on the big screen. 😄 can’t wait for book 5. Kellan and lex all the way. Look at Edward and Jacob battle over bella and they are still alive please dnt kill him he makes the story work.

  272. Katherine says:

    Hi everyone!!! I just want to say the books are amazing and I love them so much. I usually am a werewolf fan all the way, but I gave your book a chance and loved it!!!!
    When I read the first few chapters of the first book on kindle I instantly felt a connection between Lexi and I. (it almost scared me the similarities between us!!!!!) I even told my mom that if I get a boyfriend, lose the weight i need to, and then dump my boyfriend for another guy (who’s 18) two weeks before my birthday, to watch out for anything suspicious. (She laughed in my face) I have never loved a book so much!!!! I started this while reading my summer homework for school and some days I just don’t want to put the fourth book down. (which is really putting me behind on my summer hw reading!!!! :P) You inspired me to use my own imagination and start writing a book (in between summer homework and reading your books, of coarse!!! 🙂 Which brings me to my question… When writing a book, if you mention movies, clothing brands, and places do you have to get authorization from someone?!?!?!? Anyway I’m starting to even get my friends in on reading the books!!!!!! I can’t wait to finish the fourth book, read The Gabi and Jack Story, and then read the fifth book!!!!!!! And I Agree with a post that I saw saying that you should sign a movie deal, this would do great in theaters!!!!!!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      You do not need expressed permission to mention movies, brands, songs, etc in books. I would just be careful when using them to not imply any sort of negative connotation towards them. After all, those are someone else’s creative expressions. I would hate for someone to shred me in their own form.

      I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far! Make sure you get your summer reading done though. Book 4 will still be there when you’re finished 🙂

      • Katherine says:

        Thanks for answering my question, I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for your info I finished book four and read innocence of white already… I COULDN’T PUT THEM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eh, my school reading could wait :P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I wish I didn’t read the book so quick… Now I have to wait two months for book five to come out :'(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH THIS IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL BE CHECKING YOUR PROGRESS EVERY DAY FROM NOW ON… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  273. Katherine says:

    Hi everyone!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to say these books are amazing and I love them so much!!!! I’m usually am a werewolf fan all the way, but I gave this book a chance and I loved it!!!!!!! After reading a few chapters of the first book I instantly felt a conection between Lexi and I (the similarities between us almost scaired me). I even told my mom that if I get a boyfriend, loose the weight I need to, and then dump my boyfriend for another guy (an 18 year old) two weeks before my birthday; to watch out for anything sispicious 😛 (She laughed at me). I have never lover a book so much!!!!!!!!!! I started reading this book in between reading my summer hw for my sophmore year of high school and some days I just cant put it down (which has made be become behind on my hw but I don’t care!!!!!!!!! :P). Your books even inspired me to use my inagination to start writing a book!!!!!!!! Which leads me to my question… If you use clothing brand names, places, and movies do you have to get authorization to do that?!?!?! Anyway I even have been trying to get my friends to read the books!!!!!!! I cant wait to finish the fourth book, read The Innocence of White, and read the fifth book!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. I’m a first time poster. and I orrigionally posted something similar to this and another post on Vote early this morning (like at 4 am…. I’m a night owl :P) and when I went on your site this morning, when I woke up it wasn’t there??? I even went om my mom’s computer and it didnt come up on her’s ether???? I rewrote both post anyway though…

  274. Alaina says:

    Omg i just finished reading the 1st book!again! it was so good, even tho it was the second time! i dont know what the book lovers of the world would do with out you christin!:D

  275. Sophia says:

    Hey christin i dont really like your books, i LOVE. I am always thinking how they should make qa movie out of your books. Thars a movie i would pay wish i were like you and lexi. I am only eleven but i love your books sooo much. As soon as i finished book four i almost cried because i knew i would have to wait for book five to come out also becquse it got super interesting and you left it hanging. I love the idea but as q reader i hate it. I want more! 🙂
    Love your writing lovell

  276. Sophia says:

    I also want to ask something christin and i hope i get an answere.
    On book seven it says mels story, is lexi still alive or is the book only about mel or or or, ugh i am confused please understand my point and help me out before i explode

  277. Kimberly says:

    When is book 4 coming out?!?! Im going crazy! I love your books, hopefully you will make more books (i wish there was a movie) and i just wanted to say I LOVE KELLAN!! Haha i sound like a stalker… Lol!

  278. Katherine says:

    under the “big hint” someone posted something about a competition for a new character?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHEN WAS THIS??? WHO WAS CHOSEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I would’ve wanted to participate!!! and if its still going on how do i get there to put in a vote?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!

  279. Kimberly says:

    When is book 4 coming?!?!?!???! I love these books (I wish there was a movie) and i just want to say… I LOVE KELLAN!!!!!!!!!! I hope he doesn’t die, if he does im ganna start crying.

      • Kimberly says:

        Im sorry that i comment so much but i love your books soooo much that i cant stop telling you how wonderful your books are!😄
        Im mad because i read the books so quick and now i have to wait two months for book 5 to come out!! THIS IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOOO EXCITED FOR BOOK 5 TO COME OUT!!!!!!!!! And like i said before… I LOVE LOVE KELLAN!!!!!!!!!😄😄

  280. Reily says:

    I love these books! i found the first one on my kindle for free and got it and then couldn’t stop reading them! And i just finished the 4th book like 15 minutes ago, and i can’t believe it! Can’t wait for October 31st. I’m now counting down.

  281. Katherine says:

    OMG!!!!!!!! Christin!!!!!!!! I just read the description for your Adult book “Controlled Curves” and it sounds so cool!!!!! I love how she’s a plus sized, full figured, werewolf!!!!!!!! Since I’m only a sophomore in High School, I only read the description (I so totally wanted to read the ‘look inside’ but I stopped myself do to the fear of getting grossed out). You should really write a teenage version of it!!!!!!!! That’s a book I would read over and over. Maybe make her a full figured, brown haired, blue eyed, Babe who gives the teenage wolf boys a run for their money????? Not that I don’t Love Lexi, but she got to get skinny without doing any work and Gabi is always complaining about her weight ….. it would be awesome to have a plus size girl character that is curvy and proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      lol You’ve actually just described a book from my works in progress list! It’s in the works, but I don’t have a release date for it since I have a few other projects ahead of it. I completely fell in love with the idea since I haven’t read any other book like it. 🙂

      • Katherine says:

        OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  282. Michelle Hess says:

    I have read all the books so far. And know I have to wait for book 5 to come out. A friend of mine told me about these books and how great they were and she was right about how good they are. I wish that October would get here SI I can start on the fifth book I just love the lexi and kellan. I hope you don’t kill him off in the books cause he’s my favorite character.

  283. Katherine says:

    And Christin, I totally agree with your statement about how you haven’t read any books like it (I assume that you were talking about plus size main characters). I quite literally have never read a book that involves full figured women in a good way (other than yours of coarse :))… I love that you write books that way… and to hear that your going to make a full figured teen that is going to as I said “give the wolf boys a run for their money,” really makes me happy. And this is coming from a plus size, stylish (so I’ve been told :)), opinionated, and strong teen…So just due to that post you now have a reader for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the awesome, amazing, inspiring, fun to read work!!!!!!!

  284. Katherine says:

    … on a side not I want to ask if you have ever heard the song from Justin Bieber “As Long As You Love Me,” I feel like if you ever signed a movie deal, that would be the perfect ending credits song for the first, second, or even third book. I personally don’t care for Justin as a person and I don’t like his songs (a lot of the time/ever), but I LOVE this song. its so upbeat and sweat!!!!! I’m also the type of person that when I hear a song I listen to the beat first, then the lyrics… and when I finally got to listening to the lyrics I immediately thought Lexi and Kellen (I’m also the type of person that if its a good song I don’t care who it’s by, which leads to my playlists looking a little strange :)). THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

  285. daytona says:

    I just started reading the books. But I all readly love lexi like she was my sister. cant wait to read more of the books. :()

  286. Taylor says:

    I wish u made a movie of this it would be awsome to see kellan from the way u descride him he is FFFFIIINNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?I really lik the series and im only twelve u reach alot of people age is just a # but thats a big variety this the new twilight so dont let me down KEEP WRITING

  287. Taylor says:

    u r awsome christin u inspire me alot i writing a book myself but it probaly wont sell im only 12 who would want a book from a 12 year old dreamer my friends tell me to give up and stick to singing even then they say im not good at that middle school sucks alot

  288. Ponysrock6725 says:

    I can’t wait for book five! I’ve been having to wait ever since I finished book four. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a series so much in my whole life!!!!!! I hope October 31st comes fast

  289. Lindsey says:

    I love all you books and i have read each book like 10times no jk cant wate till book 5 ur in my top 3 books to read and reread to fall in love with them all over 🙂 love ur books cant wate for the next one COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS 🙂

  290. Kaycie says:

    will you put out excerpts of darkness falls? pleeeeeeeease? oh and im desperate, i really need to find out if Lexi ends up with Kellen, and if Kellen dies, oo oh yeah and what the hell is up with their baby!!!!!!! aaaaaaahhhhhhh im dying here Christin please hurry!!!! pretty please with a cherry on top could you possibly move the date of when Darkness Falls is released to umm maybe October 15th? its my golden birthday and that would be the ultimate birthday present 🙂
    love forever,

  291. Cynthia Crumpton says:

    I hope with all my heart that Lexi and Kellan get their Happily Ever After!!! I am almost 43 years old, and have read all of the series that is available multiple times. Lexi and Kellan have a love and bond that all woman wish for. Please don’t kill either of them and allow them to be together for all time. Thank you for the awesome books and I hope you keep them coming.


  292. Sophia G says:

    hey christin,
    i have a question does this mean that the last book will be Mel writing it or will something happen to mel. I’m sooo confused!!!!! please answer me when you can. bye

  293. Lauren Kelly. says:

    Hi, I was just wondering if Lexi is going to have the baby in book 5 or book 6 so please write back.
    Ps: Can’t wait till book 5, I’m counting down the days. 😀 😀

  294. nate says:

    O.M.G Hi Christin I love your books they are awesome im a twelve year old boy and the action and drama in the books are so exciting i know it sounds cliche( a lexi word ) but know i love vamps because when twilight came out i wasn’t really interested but know u gave me a reason!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      The dates aren’t set in stone for book 6 & 7, but since I have other projects I’ll be doing in between, I didn’t want to give false hope either. I’ll adjust them down the road once I begin writing those books 🙂

  295. nate says:

    I have really big question and I hope you answer it soon If you had to choose what is the lowest age that you would let to read your books?

    • christinlovell says:

      Ooh. That’s a tough question. I think it depends on the maturity level of the person. I would say ten is probably a good age to start. Any younger and the characters’ chemistry and dynamics might be overlooked or misinterpreted.

  296. nate says:

    3 rd day in a row!!! I was wondering how did you come up with the names and the plot of the story because know your like my idol ( you inspired me ) and I want to know how were you able to think about the setting, mood, tone and plot of the story?

    • christinlovell says:

      The setting is Charleston, and that’s where I grew up. I remember the streets well and have enjoyed revisiting them through the series.
      As for the names, they are names that I liked, that I would have liked to have named my children if I was brave enough to have that many.
      As for the plot, mood & tone of the story, I wanted a paranormal book that I could relate to from the beginning. I’m not a human Bella. As common as she is, I haven’t come across another girl like her. So I set out to create a paranormal series with a main character who was human, who was a normal human with more relatable insecurities. I wanted to introduce the paranormal aspects and allow the reader to go through everything with the character, but that wouldn’t be possible unless a strong bond was established in the beginning. For me, if I’m truly connected with a character, then the author could take me to hell and back and I’d enjoy the ride, because I was engaged with the character from the start. I would hopefully already be in the character’s head and the experience would seem more realistic. I wanted readers to have that connection. The action, the drama, it keeps the plot moving. But at the base of it all, I want readers to still be able to relate to my characters, to their emotions throughout the series, even if they can’t relate to the situations themselves. And when readers turn off their e-readers, I want them to feel inspired, to feel uplifted. I want them to come away with a message. I want to give them not just a reading experience, but a learning experience.
      With many of the characters, they are having to grow up fast. They’re facing things they didn’t think they would have to deal with, just as many teens are in the real world. Even though adults read the series, this is still predominantly a series for young adults and teens. The issues Lexi and Kellan face are typical of young, volatile relationships and first love. The issue Lexi faces of teen pregnancy is something I went through, minus the vamp DNA. Lexi’s parents’ death was something that I went through; I lost both of my parents young. So even though this is a paranormal series, I’d like to think many of the issues, situations and emotions are very human. It’s also why I feel the need to add a positive wrap-up at the end of each book. I don’t want the issues to weigh the characters or the reader down. I don’t want them to walk away feeling the weight of the situations, but I do want them to feel like they just went through something that has now changed them. I want readers to walk away a different person with a different outlook. So that’s what I’m aiming for; that’s what I’ve always set out to do.

  297. nate says:

    Ok another big question. Are you going to see into making a movie out of this? and if yes what would rate it? rated r pg-13?

    • christinlovell says:

      To be honest, I’m not sure. From what I understand, the author’s books are the basic concept for the movie, but it’s the studio, the director, producers and screen writers that determine how it’s interpreted on the big screen. It’s also not something that’s easily pursued by a writer. Typically, it’s the studio contacting them if they are moved by their books.

      If someone did contact me with aspirations of using my books, I would hope that they would keep the films PG-13 since I have many young readers. With that being said though, I do have many adult situations in my books, so that may not be possible. I don’t dwell on it though. I won’t until the day a deal is signed, if that ever even happens…

      • nate says:

        I’m crossing my fingers that it will because I want to see how the movie will be. Also I hope the producer does keep it pg-13 because I’m only 12 and I don’t want to miss something that I’ve been waiting for

      • featherz says:

        please make it a movie cause the books are astonishing and so good!!!! i am absolutely in love with them and i bet it would b a very popular movie(s)!!!!

  298. leisa says:

    Hi Christin, I am a huge fan!! I feel over your books by accident while searhing amazon and as soon as i started reading them i couldn’t put them down.I love the adventures that you take me on as a reader with alexa her family and the gang. I just got to the end of book 4 (:o oh my gosh) what an ending!! Can not wait for book 5!!

  299. Haley says:

    I love your series! Im a huge fan of Mel 🙂 and may i point out that in Diary of A Vampeen Lexi says that Mel has blonde hair and brown eyes but in Vamp Versus Vamp It’s narrated that Mel has blue eyes

  300. Lindsey says:

    Im so happy! !! 🙂 im thinking of not trick or treating it read your book and that is saying something! Im so happy i can hardly sleep i have been up all night reading the other books to remember every thing 🙂 but i am geting plenty of sleep dont wory im all got just so, happy (i need a bigger vocab.) 🙂

  301. Emerald Jorge says:

    Wow can’t wait to read all of these books! I’m on #3 and I can’t stop! Great writing Christin!!! 😀 Absolutely love Lexi and Kellan!!

  302. nate says:

    It’s agitating!!! why why why? Im rereading the books IDK why I guess there that good =( I have no money to buy it. I’m so lazy. I know this sounds rude maybe but i know some books that you could make different saga;s out of like faeries you did were wolves I think fallen angels and other things ,. Here’s the names

    Wondrous strange

    Hush, Hush

    City of bones

    The vampire stalker

    and Paranolmacy

    You don’t have to read them I was just hoping you could make another series

    P.S you can lay it on thick you don’t have to let me down easy =)

  303. Debbie Liles says:

    I’m a 61 year old Grandmother and Mother of all boys and I’m addicted to Vamp Chronicles! These books give me my “girl” fix and wish I had a Grand daughter to hand them down to. Christin you’ve done a great job with your story telling…you keep it clean with enough romance to keep all the die hard romance readers happy! We all love the paranormal, the difference from the everyday grind of the real world but you’ve captured just the right amount of the angst of the teenage years giving young readers a sense of good morals and the Golden Rule. Thank you! Debbie.

  304. Elizabeth Reed says:

    I just started this series 2 weeks ago today. I can honestly say I could not put the books down. I have read *ALL (4.5 books)* of them. It is soOo good that I cannot wait for the 5th book.

  305. Lex says:

    I hope you feel better! 😜👻👌

    I love this serious and my I’m scheming to read more. I have read each book 27 times!! And I’m really young,but mature

    Can’t wait for more!

  306. elizabeth15louisa says:

    omg I’m soooo exited do you know what time it will come out in England as I can’t wait to read it pls say midnight that would be epic I can read it straight away 😀

  307. Patrice says:

    From the momment you start reading to the last page darkness falls takes you on an emotional rollarcoster. Audience get your tissues ready this ones a tear jerker

  308. Haley says:

    Darkness falls made me realize the series is nearly over 😦 In the 7th book Vigilante will the series continue in Mel’s POV? Or will it cover her life?

  309. Eva says:

    I just finished reading Darkness Falls. Wow what a mind blowing roller coaster ride!!! You have written the best in this series. I did not expect the twists and turns to pan out the way you did them. I cried and cried some more. As usual I am looking forward to the last two books in the series. My daughter and I have loved the journey with you and the vamp chronicles. We have delighted in watching you grow as writter. I have bought all you books and enjoy them all. I do love werewolves!!!! We hope you get well quickly and much more sucess in all your ventures. God Bless you and your family.

  310. Madison says:

    These books are amazing they are truly one of a Lind I love the way it creates emotion from the people who are reading it and it strikes close to home since you can relate to what everyone is feeling and get a true understanding of what everything’s like and it almost feels like its reality these are very good books I can’t wait for the next one

  311. Ashlee says:

    heey 🙂
    Im sorry to keep bugging you but did you find anything out about when the books will be going on kobo?
    Thanks again so much
    Your an amazing author 🙂

  312. whillean says:

    I loved the new book Darkness Falls my teachers were trying to get me to focus on school work but i was attached to the book. It was sad about who dies i cried cuz that was my favorite character.

  313. Andrea says:

    Yet another good book Christin. This one had me turned into a balling blubbering mess! I cried for 3 chapters… I would calm down and finally be able to breath through both nostrils then something would trigger the flow of tears again. I guess that tells you how attached to the characters I got. It was very sad to let them go. I am anxious for the release of the sixth book! It is unbelievable that the series is almost finished, and slightly sad. Keep up the fabulous writing.
    Stay well, have fun, and continue to be inspired!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you Andrea. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book, but more so that you have been able to make that connection with the characters. It means a lot. Thank you so much for sharing that! 🙂

  314. Elizabeth Reed says:

    I got your first two books for free…after that I just had to get the rest. As others have said I could not put them down, I too cried several times. I am very impressed with your writing style and cannot wait to get the rest of the series. God be with you and keep up the *AWESOME* work!

  315. Lindsey says:

    i love the new book. wanted to bring it to school but i had just got to the sad part but didnt whant to cry in school I’ll be made a laughing stalk lol but i did finish the book WARNING DONT READ THE REST SPOLER ALERT!!!!

    when dose she have her kid? the next book i gess

  316. sara says:

    Oh my!I’m reading darkness falls,at the sad Part! I’m sitting here crying like a baby! Very gd story well written,I can’t wait for the next book.going to see if I can read the rest with out crying!X

  317. Jada says:

    I Love this series… Its better than every series I have EVER read. I love to read and I read pretty fast. I cried in every book. I love this series and the author. I will miss it very much. From, a twelve year old seriously in love!

    (p.s. This is better than Twilight and Hunger Games… even if they have movies.. You have Lexi, Kellan, The Bladangs, Mel, Craig, Aunt Clare, Auggy, and more 🙂

  318. bailee comer says:

    I’m sorry but after reading book 5 i don’t see how i can continue in this “journey” anymore that person was the only thing i was hoping for in the end and now…well you know I’ve lost my appeal. (just to let you know i did really love the book but i don’t have a drive anymore. It was very hard for me to write this comment)

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m sorry you feel that way. It certainly wasn’t my intention to discourage you from the series. I hope you might warm up to giving book 6 a chance. Regardless, I wish you the best in finding other series to fall in love with. There are a lot of good ones out there 🙂

  319. 13jayden says:

    OMG! Darkness falls was amazing and I cried like a baby! I loved it but it did seem a little rushed. In previous books every outfit was described wonderfully whereas in this book the wedding dress had hardly any description.I loved the book anyways! Don’t rush yourself! We can wait!!!

  320. Mady Wilson says:

    I was so mad because my friend told me a big part in book 5 and I’m only on book 3! I think you know what big secret I’m talking about

  321. nate says:

    Omg Lexi and Kellan got married? I thought it wasn’t going to be rushed. and also I hope you didn’t cut off anyone I liked but I have a bad feeling it’s Kai. No i did not read darkness falls so I don’t know yet but crossing fingers for the new exciting adventure ahead

  322. nate says:

    “Christin ______________ Lovell( aunt Clare voice ) I hope were not that heartless to cut someone off> Think about poor ole Nate sitting here fantasizing about who will be cut off. Hoe could you tease him like that? I’m disappointed in you young lady go to the corner with Alexa and think about the world of hurt you put on to this young reader for taking someones life” aunt clare said with a frustrated sigh

    Enjoy my paragraph of scolding you 🙂

      • nate says:

        oops i had a lot of typos but thank you and i’m also writing a story myself but not about vamps it’s about fallen angels so i have to get creative with it and lots of description and I am also making sure i have space to edit things i want to take out in the notebook. my characters are:

        Natalie ( main character )
        Josh ( the fallen angel )
        Paris ( main character”s best friend )

        also I’m making sure I am reading lots of books to help me with mine so far I have the prologue and the first three paragraphs of chapter one.It’s very hard to write a book I don’t know how you made it through and I am also writing a little bit in class when i don’t want to listen to my teachers( I know it sounds bad but when you try it you’ll know what I am talking about

        I know i wrote to much so I’m going to leave it off here =)

      • christinlovell says:

        That’s awesome! Two series with angels that I enjoyed (maybe you can get them from the library) were Personal Demons series by Lisa Desrochers and The Fallen by Thomas Sniegoski.
        The problem with writing books is that you have this overwhelming enthusiasm in the beginning that often fizzles as you get further into the book. It’s why I always have two books going at the same time. When I lose stamina with one, I switch to the other. Then, when my inspiration returns, I flip flop again. It helps keep me going through the hard parts, which is often the middle. The end is where you really build up steam because you’re so anxious to write those final words. It’s THE best adrenaline rush out there!
        Good luck with everything!

  323. Beth says:

    Omg!! Book 5 – darkness falls!!! Never cried so much in my life when Kai died!!!!!! Why did you decide that he would die???? Could he not have lived aswell? My favourite male character is now gone 😥 I thought he was gonna meet another girl? But I liked the way he was there for leka! I thought you might have made kellen die so we could see their (Kai & leka) relationship go further! Oh we’ll great book! Just annoyed that Kai died!

  324. nate says:

    Grounded is postponed I am having writers block I need to read more books I might reread Becca Fitzpatrick Hush, Hush I totally love patch or should I say jev. I hate how amazon totally cheats you they give you the first book in a series free but when you want to get the next because of the first it costs money. I’ve just noticed I am book crazed how did this happen to me and know I’m upssessed with paranormal creatures it seems more interesting then mystery fantasy or realistic fiction
    And again I typed to much so I’m going to cut it short ( for now ) Muhahahahahahaahahahah* cough cough * hahaahahahahha
    I just needed to add that in cuz you know you think I’m an angel 🙂

  325. Katherine says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw Breaking Dawn Part 2… One word…AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of them all!!!!!! My favorite part was when Bella yelled at Jacob “You nicknamed my kid after the lock Ness monster!!!!!!!” That was priceless!!!!!!!!!!!

  326. Vanessa says:

    Omg darkness falls was so sad I was crying then smiling 😀 I can’t wait for the next book am just so blown from layout words when you said the three words I gasped so hard my mom got mad 🙂 SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

  327. Kimberley Harwood says:

    darkness falls has literally left me in tears and I’ve just finished reading it i always thought Kia was better for Lexi he treated her like a princess all of the time and this book made really me not like Kellan. I can’t wait for the next book and i was wondering do Lexi and Kia ever end up together ?????

  328. Lexie Wooden says:

    I cant wait until “The Breaking of Dawn” come out! The whole series so far is spectacular! I cried like a baby when I read “Darkness Falls” it was so amazing! My favorite one so far!!! Great job on these books!!

  329. Alyshia says:

    I loved the book Reflections because it lets us into a side of Kellan we don’t really see. I fell in love with the book. Good job Christin.

  330. elizabeth16louisa says:

    I love you … tiny little question…… Can we have a Christmas excerpt uk time pls pls pls I can wait I’m imagining all the possibility s I’m even havering dreams about the books then nearly kill my mom when she wakes me up and I forget >:% I need to know I love this series it can’t ever end this is the next next equivalent of Harry potter and twilight combined its amazing epic dope simply…… I’m in LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  331. Lindsey says:

    Hi Christin I love the books I really want to read the next book cant waiting tell the next book is out. and the next book will be out when? I am so happy u have the first books out I can survive but I would really love to know when the next book will be out. I’m not nagging I promise 🙂 😁

    • christinlovell says:

      I don’t have a release date as of yet. I promise to set one once I send it to my editor. That will be a hard date, no chance of change, which makes me feel a bit better. So glad you’re enjoying the series! 🙂

  332. tasha says:

    Okay lets just be honest rereading the older books is great but it cant beat the yet go be released oned…. im one of those ppl who usually wont read a series till the author is done bc i go nuts waiting for the next one. But i got started on this series and am now slowly losing my mind waiting for my next fix. Lol So i was wondering if u could give us some kinda time line for when the next one will be out???? It doesnt have to be an exact date just an idea….. please!!!!!

  333. Britt says:

    Hi 🙂 i just found out that there where paperback versions of the books! I wasn’t aware of that! I want,no,NEED to have them ALL in my bookshelf! So, two questions 🙂 1. Aren’t you planning to make them available in Amazon too? Or i can only buy them at Lulu? and 2. Are they available at any stores in the U.S., or worldwide? And, if not, would you ever consider making them available outside the U.S? Or that would already imply a publishing company? Sorry to ask so many questions but when i have like a top-10 bookshelf where i put all my fav books, and this series deserves to be there!i’ve been saving a spot for it since i read the first book, so it would be pretty awesome if i could actually get them 🙂 Thankss

    • christinlovell says:

      They are currently only available through Lulu. I checked with Lulu, and they do ship outside the US, so anything you order can be delivered to you. And for extra savings, use coupon code JANBOOKS13 by January 31st to receive 20% off your order 🙂

      • Britt says:

        Oh that’s awesome! My birthday is on Jan. 31st 😀 so maybe i could ask for one of the books as a present…hahaha. I’ll try to work something out, thanks for answering 🙂

  334. nate says:

    you know your like a second mother to me right that rights awesome books?unfortunetly i only have samples because i have no money to give her and after reading these coments im guessing something bad happened to kai?In my opinion kai actually helped kellan and lexi’s relationship even though he was just enterfering with it. he actually taught lexi things she couldn’t find if he wasn’t there.

    That is the en of me peace on a book I thought was awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome=)

    someone said this was real deep cuz you know it has to be real deep and im raw like that with me second mom’s help(you of course)

    • christinlovell says:

      It won’t be until closer to the release date because I’m a pantser. I go in with a general idea, perhaps specific plot details, but everything else built around it or to it is determined when my fingers hit the keyboard.

  335. Sally M says:

    A while ago I read ‘Diary of a Vampeen’, and from all the books I’ve read it has to be my absolute favourite. ❤ So I went looking for the second book at my local library and I couldn't find it, and I also didn't see it at any book stores in my city. And suggestions?!

    • Britt says:

      You can buy it via the iBooks store, Amazon,Smashwords or at a web page called Lulu, where they sell the paperbacks for all Christin’s books.You can find all the links up 🙂 I don’t know if they are available at any store, though. Hope i helpelped!

  336. Lindsey says:

    I am so mad with my self I haven’t read any of the vamp conical books in about a month. My mom said I should read some different books so I did but even the twilight books aren’t even good compared to you books Christin. your books are the best I am always trying to get other people to download you books. well now that I am no longer mad with myself I will go and read all of your books

    • Brittany Tuttle says:

      OMG I used to read a bunch of diff books before I read these books but now, if I read another book it’s like the1st 2 pages and then I stop cause they`’re not as good as Christian`s books. I can`t wait till the other books come out. I totally think that you should also write a book about lexs and Kellens life after the baby is born and while it’s growing up. Oh I read that.

  337. Julia says:

    I cant wait until the 6th and 7th book comes out i cant believe he died he was my fav kai+leka forever! I always thought kai was the best for her i know this may sound stupid but i think kai will come back and i dont think its kellans baby i think its kai baby kai forever i love you kai

  338. Britt says:

    Okay, I need you to know this. My friend is reading all the books along with me, i finished Reflections on December, and she’s now by book 5, so every time she talks to me about whatever thing she’s reading, i already know what will happen, sometimes i tell her what is coming if it’s not a mayor deal, but wehn it is important,like K dying, i try to confuse her giving her clues about what will happen, or i just tell her little lies so she will besurpirsed when she reads it. Well, that’s what I did today at school. I tried to confuse her by saying Kellan was going to die, or maybe Kalel. Know what she did after she readed chapter 28? She started to insult me, i think she sent me 50 texts with the words f**k you, liar, i hate you, etc etc. i just thought it was so funny because 1) she always makes fun of me when I read a book that makes me cry.i didn’t really cried with Darkness Falls because, and I’m really sorry to say this, but i hated Kai. After what he did i started to respect him, but it just was the perfect outcome for me. I was sad for Lex and Kalel, and everyone else, but i didn’t really mattered. But now i can see how it was for Kai fans. I just thought it would be a funny story to tell you, lol. Worst thing is that she was mad because i didn’t warned her about it! I was like ”I was trying to not ruining you the book, so you’re welcome!” Seriousy, it hitted her hard! I hope Kai can come back somehow (with a girlfriend or something! Because Lex is already happily married and there’s no way that’s going to change!! Lol), because i kinda told my friend he was coming back in the next book…(the one from Lexi’s POV, not Mel’s.).

    P.D. Can’t wait for Mel’s book!! I bought a new iTunes card and i have it waiting until the book is released so i can activate it hahahaha.

  339. Julia m❤🐒🐯🐧 says:

    I hated how someone ha to die im a
    WAs like hes going to come back hes going to come back my new interjection is For Kais Sake! I couldnt stop crying i was so sad atleast he did it out of love for lexi but i still believe hes going to come back and im going to keep on believing tht kai was my love i shared this book with my friend and we always make fun of craig i say hello love and my classmates look at us like we’re crazy and we burst out laughing and we cant stop for atleast 5 mins. Its hysterical! I loved how i could share my thoughts about this book. She loved thte book and so did i i cant wait untill the 7th book comes out but is tht actually like telling more to the story or is it mels view on the books so far? I love these books christin lovell i cant wait but u added such a surprising twist it was so so so sad i couldnt stop😭 i was bawling so hard i couldnt keep reading i know it was just a book but i had to wait until 3 hours passed to start reading i couldnt put it down but it was ao bad i had to! I love ur bookz thanks so much for writing the

    ~ julia

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you for reading them. I’m so glad you and your friend have enjoyed the series so far! I actually switched things up on you. Sorry. Book 6 will now be Vigilante, Mel’s Story, and book 7 will now be The Break of Dawn 🙂

  340. Amanda says:

    I am 31 years old and love these books. I read the last three in a month and can’t wait for the last ones to be released. I loved the Twilight saga and think these are better.
    Thank you so much for writing them.


  341. brittany says:

    omg! i used to read a bunch of other books but now when i read books its like the 1st 2 pgs and then i’m done. there not as good as your books christin. i also think that you should writ a book about lexs and kellens life after the baby is born and while the baby is growing up. oh i would so read that.

  342. Arianna Velez says:

    Hi! I love vamp chronicles and I finished all of the books in two days! I can’t wait for the next two books in the series, but I’m a very fast reader which is bad because I can’t focus on a book like every week, instead, I get a new one every day. You have inspired me to enter the young authors competition at my school, (I’m 11). Thank you so much.
    I want to add a sentence into the story but I don’t think it’s good. The sentence is:
    I leaped from my seat and raced to the side of the house where the offending door resided, I wondered who could be knocking right now.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I love that I’ve inspired you. Good luck! 🙂

      P.S. I love the sentence, but you have a few grammatical things I wouldn’t want you to be knocked off for. Potential rewrite?: I leapt from my seat and raced to the side of the house where the offending door resided. Curiosity consumed me. I wondered who could be knocking.

  343. Ashlee says:

    Heey 🙂 Im so sorry to keep bugging you but do you know when the books will be going on KOBO? Im dying to read them ! If they wont be there soon, is there a place I can buy them that will go to my kobo? Thank you

  344. Lindsey says:

    I Love all the book and I cant wait tell the last two come out. I have been trying so hard to get my friends and my mom to read the books so they can understand what I’m always making a fuss about but no luck yet but I’m so close!! I’m really looking forward to the last two books 🙂

  345. BB says:

    im wondering when the polt on the next book will be posted i do know that youve been busy on your alpha books but i ws just wondering about that plot.

    • christinlovell says:

      I usually don’t post blurbs until just before the release because I am a pantser. I go in with a general idea of where I want to take the book/series, but typically come out with something completely different. The characters take over and write their own story, which often differs from my original intention for them. I promise to post it as soon as I feel comfortable enough with the overall direction and highlights of the book 🙂

  346. Jennie says:

    I absolutely. Love this series. I was a little skeptically until about half way through book two. After that I was hooked. I read them in about two days and I can not wait until book 6 . Is there any way I can get a date for when it comes out?

    • christinlovell says:

      Once I finish writing my current project, I will be focusing solely on book 6, Mel’s story. As soon as I get my hands wet in it, I will have a better idea of pacing and a good timeline to set a date 🙂

  347. Lindsey says:

    I love all the book and I hope the next book comes out soon, and I would a rough date the next book will come out please cant wait to start counting down the days. I’ve read all my book and need a new book to start reading a new book of my favorite series!! 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Once I finish writing my current project, I will be focusing solely on book 6, Mel’s story. As soon as I get my hands wet in it, I will have a better idea of pacing and a good timeline to set a date 🙂

  348. Fallon says:

    I love this books series. It is better then most vampire series out there including twilight. It’s relatable, amazing, well written. Exciting, fun, it kind of make me want a relationship that. I read all 5 books I love them all!! I can’t wait until the next book. This is my favorite book series!!!

  349. Vampi says:

    I love this book sires can’t wait please I know this sounds a bit wired and wth but please never stop this sires I need it or else I will have no idea what to and will be like need more kellen need more Lexi need more vamp chronicals (btw I’m team kellen) I’m also trying to get more people to read it so u can see UR baby become a movie btw love u and UR books can’t wait to read reflections, vigilant and the break of dawn

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. Sadly, though, all good things must come to an end. Thankfully, you have a little bit of time before that happens though 🙂

  350. Teresa says:

    I have always been a very enthused reader, but this set of novels sucked me in completely and tugged at me the whole time. You are the best author I have ever read. You put so much thought and detail into each character. Book 5 crushed me. I cried like a baby when I got to the battle in the forest. It pulled heavy on my heart, but was worth every tear! I know that a series can’t last forever, but I wish this one could! I think they would make excellent movies as well. I sincerely thank you for writing these novels and allowing people into the lives of Lexi and Kellan.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you for reading them! It’s wonderful readers like you that allow me to write more. I’m so glad you were able to make that emotional connection too. Best compliment a writer could ever ask for! Thank you 🙂

  351. Haven S. says:

    I read the first one and I fell absolutely in love with this series! I so can’t wait to read the rest!!! 🙂

  352. Karina marino says:

    I came across your book in the end of january and immediately fell in love with characters and the story itself. I just finished book 5 I must admit it was surprising who fell but it made sense. I love each book and felt each emotion love compassion understanding and even shed a tear. I am now a fan of your books. Great job and now looking forward to the next one thank you

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I get so excited when readers say they were able to make that emotional connection. It’s what every writer longs for. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far and hope it continues to captivate you 🙂

  353. kai kai kai says:

    cant wait for the next book….im still holding out for kai and lexi to be together in the end eveen thugh i enjoy reading about her and kellan……i will still be holding on becasue hes coming back YAY!!!!!!!!!!

      • Amber says:

        When will book 6 come out? I know it says spring 2013, but I’m on spring break right now so technically it’s spring 😉 But I was wondering if there was a specific date because I am so anxious and excited to read the next book it’s killing me!!! Thankyou for writing such an amazing series and I hope to talk to you soon!

      • christinlovell says:

        I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series so far! I have one title ahead of book 6, that I’m working on right now. A safe guess would be in April, but I’ll announce a hard release date as I get closer to the finish line 🙂

  354. slaina farr says:

    When is book 6 and 7 coming out??? I absolutley love these books.. I think these would make a great tv series or movies. Good luck with finishing up the books.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m thrilled that you’ve enjoyed the series so far! Book 6, Vigilante, is in the works right now. My goal, I would emphasize the word goal, is to have it out by the end of March. The final book in the series will release sometime this summer 🙂

  355. justatine says:

    I love all of you books (and think they’re beating Twilight). But I have two ideas: #1: Make A Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #2: Honestly I don’t know how the system works but PLEASE talk to your publishers about paper books (this isn’t criticism) 😀

    • Rachel says:

      I agree, I think this series just may be beating Twilight and I am so a Twi-hard. I don’t agree with a movie, I would like to see it as a mini-series on like the Sci-Fi channel or something. It would definitely be a show that I kick everyone out of the living room for, unless they want to watch with me.

      • christinlovell says:

        lol You know, I actually agree with you. I think if I had to choose, I would pick for it to become a TV series rather than movies. There is so much to explore in such a short time with movies. Plus, I often enjoy TV show adaptations more than movie adaptations 🙂

  356. Kristina says:

    I just wanted to tell you how much I love this series. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next two books, and am anxiously awaiting to read more.

  357. Julia says:

    Ive got a really important question WHT IS KAIS LAST NAME? see my new thing to say instead of for christs sake is for Kais Sake! And i need to know so i can say KAI (last name inserted here) instead of JESUS CHRIST!

    • christinlovell says:

      The short answer is, outside of the generic response of Spring 2013, I’m not sure. I’m writing it at the moment, however things outside of writing determine the speed at which I’m permitted to get it done at. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific…

  358. Teaghan says:

    OMG!!! This is even better than Suzanne Collins Hunger Games!!! It’s the best series I have ever read! Please don’t ever stop writing, you are amazing! Oh, and sorry for all you Lexi and Kellan shippers, but I really think Lexi and Kai should be a couple, but I still like Lexi and Kellan!

  359. Annette says:

    Please advise when book 6 will be out. I have read and enjoyed all your books time they come out! You are the best! Thank you!

  360. Aimee says:

    I love telling my followers on instagram about your books but I can never tag you so they can see you for them selves.

  361. Katherine says:

    Hey Christin! I know you said you were going off line for a little bit to deal with personal problems going on at the moment but I figured I’d still ask my question: What exact size did you picture Lexi to be before she transformed??? I also had the same kind of question about Sophie from Curves and Courage??? Answer me when you get a chance please keep us updated on you mothers status!!! I hope she’s doing well!!!

  362. rayna says:

    It’s so sad that kai died and when is to break dawn and Mel’s story coming out please tell me!!!!!! I love the vamp chronicles!!!!!! I keep looking for when they are coming out and they do not say when

  363. Lindsey says:

    I just cant wate for the next book to come out I’m so happy . I love all the books and cant wate for the next one!

  364. Teresa says:

    Wow! I’ve read this series over the last 3 days and have just reached the end of Darkness Falls and wow is all i can think of to describe how I have felt about this fabulous story!! I have definately been on an emotional roller coaster reading especially Darkness Falls! Please please please tell me when i can get the next installment and i have everything crossed that i wont have to wait too long !:)
    Thank you so much

    • christinlovell says:

      My heart beats a little faster every time I hear about a reader making that emotional connection. Thank you! As for the series, after Reflections comes Vigilante…if Mel will cooperate. And The Break of Dawn will follow that release. I’m writing both of them at the same time though, piece by piece, scene by scene, and completely out of order, so a release date is hard to give at this time. The entire series will be finished and available hopefully by the end of Summer.

  365. Heaven Andersen says:

    Are you sure there will only be 8 books in this series Ive been following your books since the first one came out I swear I was one of the first readers and it saddens me it will come to an end. you can always write about the baby growing up.

    • christinlovell says:

      While I’ll never close a door when it comes to writing, I’m pretty certain about this one. I’ll never say never, but I’m confident that everyone’s story line will be wrapped up with the seventh book. Perhaps there will be 1-2 short stories, but nothing full-length, I don’t think… I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series 🙂

  366. Laura Ennis says:

    i am going on holidays soon and want to buy the next books before i go .. do u know when they will be available on amazon 🙂
    love them all have read them 6 times each .. cant wait :))

  367. sarah says:

    Can’t wait for the next book! Going on vaca soon and hope you have it out so i can read it! Hope you get done soon! Love the whole series!

  368. Kendall Allen says:

    I absolutely love this series and am impatiently waiting for book 6. All I see is spring 2013, but its now almost summer and still no definite date. So when can we expect it?

  369. ariane says:

    I finished the whole series and i still check the kindle everyweek waiting for the last 2 books to come out. I also cried when kai died like i was in tears for about a half an hour and everytime i reread that part my eyes still get a little misty. I must say that u have made me a vamp chronicles fanatic and i cant wait to see what you have in store for us.

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m glad, not that you cried, but that you were able to make the emotional connection with the characters, enabling you to react with them. I hope you enjoyed Vigilante and that The Break of Dawn doesn’t disappoint when it is released 🙂

      • Tre-Nya Brightly says:

        I cried too but not only because Kai died but because Kellan did not realize what he had until its was gone Lexi too. She Underestimated the importance of Kai and his love, I personally think that she loved Kai more because he has

      • Tre-Nya Brightly says:

        because he loves her and can see when she in pain and when something is up don’t get me wrong the connection she has with Kellan is phenomenal and amazing to many graps

  370. rayna says:

    I need to know when book 6&7are coming out can you tell US when summer almost over and no date. I am writing a book can you give me any tips ?

    • christinlovell says:

      Book 6, Vigilante, is already available. Book 7, The Break of Dawn, is still be written. Unfortunately, I don’t have a date and I don’t want to rush it in an attempt just to put something out. But it is coming. I promise.

      As for writing tips, my simplest, yet the hardest, is simply to keep writing. It’s so easy to start a book, many books, but upon reaching the middle, enthusiasm often fades. When that happens, one of the worst things one can do is stop writing. I make sure I write something every day, even if it is simply a paragraph. It all adds up in the end and helps you get over the humps in the middle. I find about 3/4s of the way through is when most regain their inspiration and drive. Funny enough, the mid-section is also the most edited portion of most books. Good luck! 🙂

      • Tre-Nya Brightly says:

        I haven’t read Vigilante yet because i think it will throw me off the whole Lexi story because thats what happened with Gabi’s and i lost track but right after Breaking of Dawn comes out i will definitely scout it out P.S – You Are AWESOME I LOVE YOUR BOOKS KEEP WRITING!!!!!

      • christinlovell says:

        I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series so far! All of these characters have a special place in my heart. I wouldn’t be where I was without them. With that being said, they feel very human. They are flawed. Not a single one of them is perfect. They do things I hate at times, and things I truly appreciate at others. But I love them all, and I know from experience that they may not write the ending that we all want, but they will write the ending that fits for them, offering justice to the entire series.
        I hope you enjoy both books in the series 🙂

  371. Tasha says:

    I loved Mel’s story but I’m ready for the end……. still heartbroken over Kai……. but I’m ready to know what’s going to happen to Lexi and Kellan!

  372. ariane says:

    Mel’s book is great and i cant wait for kellan and lexi’s book to come out in october hopefully time will go fast!! 😀

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, despite the heavy topics and underlying sadness. I was ecstatic for Mel to have her own little HEA, especially after exploring her character more. The depth was appreciated from my writing standpoint, and hopefully it was by many on the reader side as well 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      Sorry for the delay! Apple always takes the longest. They are always uploaded at the same time as everyone else, sometimes even before everyone else, but it doesn’t speed up their processing time. I hope you were able to get the book finally and that you enjoyed it 🙂

  373. Mk says:

    No offense but Lexi better end up with kellan , she just has to. I just love Kellen and Lexi together. I liked Kai but not with Lexi . Kellan is just perfect for her and they should end up together. Well I just can’t wait but now I really have to find Mel’s story because stupid iTunes doesn’t have it :((((((((( well can’t sit till lexis so try comes out I’ve been waiting forever. If any one has intel I would like to know at least the month of when it comes out, anyone pleaseeee 🙂

    • christinlovell says:

      lol The characters tell their stories; I merely write them. Nothing is guaranteed. My preferences are often ignored. I’ve tried to fight them on it, but, in the end, the characters always write their fate as it is, not as they want it to be. I’m hoping readers will enjoy the final book when it is released. Unfortunately I don’t have a timeframe, but promise to announce a solid date once the book is finished and passes through my editor.

  374. alicia says:

    OMG vamp chronicles is the best books I have ever read!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOOOO HOOKED re read about 5 times and im only in yr 7/ 6th grade !!!! thanks for the books plz can you tell me when the last one comes out plz

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series so much. Unfortunately, the final book has taken me far longer than I expected to write. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience.

  375. lisi says:

    the vamp chronicles are the best books i have ever read!!!!!!!! i live in britain and have a kindle when does the last book come out in kindle store please

    • christinlovell says:

      I love Britain! lol Well, really I’m obsessed with British television. Y’all have some great shows 🙂

      Unfortunately, the final book has taken me far longer than I expected. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience.

  376. Ashli says:

    Hi… I’m dying to read the last and final book about Lexi and Kellen… I’ve read the series 5 times and still can’t get enough of it. :p Do you have an idea as to when it will be coming out?

    • christinlovell says:

      Wow! 5 times is a lot! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series enough to warrant that many re-reads. Unfortunately, though, the finall book has taken me far longer than I expected. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience.

  377. Julia says:

    Hey Christin Lovell,
    It is past October 22, 2013 and the final book has not come out yet?????????? y is that plz help me I am dying here. I want to read the book so bad!!!!

    • christinlovell says:

      Hi. I’m so sorry for the delay, but, unfortunately, the final book has taken me far longer than I expected. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience.

    • christinlovell says:

      I’m so sorry, but not, it isn’t. Unfortunately, this title has taken me far longer than I expected. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience.

  378. Megan says:

    Dear Christin, I have read the Vamp Chronicles series and I absolutely loved it. You’re writing skill has me hooked. Oh, yeah, I’m addicted. I do have a question though, when am I going to meet Lexi’s baby? I just know I’d love him. Eeek, I’m so excited!

  379. shaina says:

    When is ‘The Break of Dawn’ going to come out I’m so excited for this book waiting on pins and needles to find out what happens next.

    • christinlovell says:

      Hi. I’m sorry for the delay, but, unfortunately, this title has taken me far longer than I expected. It has been far more emotionally draining than any other. There are so many loose ends to tie up, and, in general, it’s difficult to say good-bye to these characters. I promise to announce a solid release date once the book is finished and it passes through my editor. Thanks for your patience 🙂

  380. Tre-Nya Brightly says:

    I can’t wait any longer for The Breaking Of Dawn so I’ve gone on to other series like curves and courage I’ve read that one

  381. Tre-Nya Brightly says:

    Christin from a 1- 10 how close would you say you are to finishing The Breaking Of Dawn and getting it up on Amazon and could you possibly give me some tips as to be a good author?

    • christinlovell says:

      I can’t really answer the first part because where I think the book will end isn’t necessarily where the characters want it to end.
      The best tip I can give for being a good author is read your genre. Read as much as possible and write even more than that. No matter how amazing your first book is, you will always out-do yourself. Experience, practice, makes us better, which is why reading and writing as much as possible are so important. Best of luck to you! 🙂

  382. Hope says:

    Dear C, I love your books, and I just found out about Kia coming back, and I am so so so happy, I love Kellen and Lexi, but I never got over Kai being dead, It really tore me up… the way I think about it is, Kellen and Lexi had there time together, but I really think Kai is the one for her, she and Kellen made what they were meant to, the baby X)… Kai just feels right for her…. 🙂 I also hope to wright books as well, I have many story’s already, lol but I cant seem to finish them…. I love reading, I finish new books in a day and a half X) lol…. I’m thinking about sending in a book to the publisher’s office, you go thru someday soon… Lots of love to your books and you of course 🙂 have a great day, or night ….

    • christinlovell says:

      Thanks for sharing! I love all of the characters and can’t even begin to choose one over the other.
      As for writing, I’ve found that is it very easy to write the beginning and end of a book (most of the time); it is the middle that takes patience and dedication. What has helped me is to have 2 books going at once. I write on one until I burn out, then I change to the other, work on it until I burn out and switch again. There have been exceptions, i.e. when the characters are so strong that they demand that I finish their title before moving on, but mostly, it keeps me fresh. I don’t forcefully write, but I do aim to write a little every day though. Even if it is one paragraph that I edit the crap out of later, those paragraphs add up over time.
      Best of luck to you! 🙂

  383. Nikki Levene says:

    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I love the Vamp Chronicles series. I’ve read all of them so far and they are a joy to read…even with all the crying and heartbreak (from me, not the characters lol). I’m really looking forward to The Break of Dawn…I’ve recently started reviewing books so please let me know if that’s something that you offer. Thanks and great job!

  384. Chloe says:

    Oh, my, god! I love the Vamp Chronicles series!!! And I also love love love you!!!!! ❤ <3<3<3<3<3<3 Your amazing author skills has actually made me start to write books myself. 🙂 I don't think they're nearly as good as your but I'm still gonna go for it. 🙂 Do you know any good publishers for when I'm done with mine and want to publish it?

    • christinlovell says:

      That’s great! There are a ton of publishers out there. You have small presses, electronic presses, genre specific publishers, the big NY publishers and all of their subsidiaries. So many options. My best suggestion would be to research publishers for your specific genre first. When you think you’ve found one, study their submission(s) guidelines and follow them to the letter. (Seriously. They are very detailed and very strict on this.) Also, another thing I would advise, though it isn’t a must, is to read a few titles from their list of current authors that seem closest to your own. It really helps you get an idea of what they are looking for and the level of quality they will help you produce.
      Good luck with everything! Fingers crossed and prayers going up for you 🙂

  385. Katerina says:

    Hey, this hasn’t been updated recently (that I’ve seen) and I was wondering if there was a release date for the last book yet?
    I’ve been waiting, and I’m getting a friend to read the series now too.
    I LOVE the books. They’ve made me laugh, cry, yell, and made me absolutely insane sometimes. I can’t wait for the next book!

    • christinlovell says:

      Thank you for sharing the series. I hope your friend enjoys it. I’m thrilled that you’ve enjoyed it so far! Unfortunately I don’t have a release date for the final book yet. It is a much-longer-than-ever-expected work in progress. I don’t want to sacrifice the quality. I want to ensure every character gets a chance to bring their story full circle. I promise, as soon as the title passes through my editor, I will share a final, solid release date with the world 🙂

  386. Kayla says:

    Hey ok well I love your books! I for one believe Kai needs to end up with leka (I am one for the underdogs lol). He is just so cute sometimes I feel like he loves her more because kellan gets jealous waaaayyyy to easily like I mean she can smile at a male vamp and he growls (literally growls…… Seriously) but Kai just sounds hot and he was the one to break through to her break her walls. Also he is like Damon in the vampire diaries she is fated for the other and loves them greatly but the other one is just so exciting fun and always thinks of her before others they don’t listen to her to see what she wants but they just save her and asks questions later (unless she’s giving them the look lol). But yeah this may seem like a handful but I’m only a preteen and I love writing I have been given awards for things like this I am writing a book for my mothers birthday it is like a whol lot of supernatural beings with myths tall tales and maybe even a tradejy sprinkled in well just wanted to say I love werewolves and vampires (and your books…..oh yeah)

    • christinlovell says:

      That’s wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Definitely don’t stop writing. Starting so young, you have the opportunity to build a backlist of books. You’ll have a built in career by the time you graduate, if you choose to pursue it. And congrats on your awards!

      • Jenn says:

        I was able to read books 1-5 with the exception of Gaby’s story. Today I tried to purchase book 6 in the series Darkness Falls, however it seems to be unavailable in any of the Canadian stores – Kobo, Apple etc….. In fact I am unable to download any of the series as of today. Is this just a glitch or have your books been removed from the Canadian marketplace? Please let me know where I can find the last of the series as well as Gaby & Mel’s stories

  387. Michelle says:

    Love, love, love this series, impatient for last book, break of dawn, for download asap please. Keep writing…….

  388. Francesca says:

    I’m in love with these books!! I’m only on book four but I can’t wait to read the rest of the chronicles. I love how it keeps going unlike twilight. I’ve read twilight and divergent but I was never really into books till now. I love the characters and drama. In my opinion I think you should still writing because you’re just amazingly talented!! I’m only a sophomore in high school and I started reading your first book eighth grade in middle school but didn’t have much time till now. I’ve read almost three more books in less than two months. I’m obsessed with your writing. It’s the only thing that gets my mind off my worries and stress. You’re my inspiration. I hope to be an amazing author like you!!

  389. google authorship for business says:

    Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I
    found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to
    her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

  390. laura says:

    When is this book coming out you haven’t said anything about when it will be finally released and you are releasing other books. I know you are very busy and probably won’t reply.. But I am a huge fan and love this series! 🙂

  391. Willow says:

    OMG! I love these books so much ! PLEASE some one tell when The Break of Dawn comes out! I need to know what happens! Ahhhhhh!(;

  392. Tasha says:

    Hi Christin…… I keep checking in trying to see if you have given an update on the last book. I love all your books but would really love to put an end to this series for me. If you find some time could you maybe let us fans know when you plan on releasing the last book? Thanks!

  393. ColTuc says:

    As a reader of your vampire chronicles books, I’ve been waiting quite some time for the last and final book and it is with great disappointment that I remove you from my list of authors to read. You’ve been putting out other books almost every month and while I do understand that it take time for characters and words to flow to have a good book you’ve had time to do so with others and you’ve forgotten about the vampire chronicles…so goodbye Christin Lovell…..

    • Samantha says:

      I also believe it is time to bid farewell to this author. I’m disappointed to not know the end but it seems as though you have moved on from the Vamp Chronicles and onto other books. I understand that writers block happens, but unfortunately not everyone has the patience to sit and wait for something that just won’t happen. Best of luck with all your future books.

  394. Nya says:

    To be honest Christin you don’t make Vamp Chronicles books anymore and to me and I’m pretty sure I speak for most of us when I say this you said the book was going to be dropped last year but this year is almost over and the final book still isn’t made I’m no even going to read any of the others can’t you see how many people love your books I bought a new kindle and the first books I downloaded was yours but I guess you don’t put as much commitment as we do into the book I love your stories but you haven’t made a new book for this series in over a year .. the excuses aren’t going to be it… I’m not going to throw shade or not look every once and a while to see if the books up but I think all of us are slowly losing interest in your book sorry to say this but I’m kind of done reading this series good bye hope you eventually do make a final book

  395. Emily says:

    Um… Did you take the Vampeen Chronicles off of Amazon and the other websites? I really hope that it just a mistake and your novels will be put back on to buy! Please, don’t listen to the bad comments about your book! I understand that you might be taking awhile writing the last book, but please do not take your books off Amazon and other sites! Don’t let some nay-sayers destroy the series for the rest of the fans!!!!! I love your books!

  396. Ellen says:

    One thing I want to know.
    When this series comes back will I have to buy the whole series again on Itunes ? Or will it just update them? Because I will be very upset if I have to buy the whole series again. It may not seem like much money but it adds up..

  397. Allison says:

    So does this mean that you have finished the seventh book and are waiting to put it out tile end of this year? Because you said the next time you give us a time of when it will be out will be once your finished and it’s through your editor. Also does this mean they are just going to be actual paper book, just eread books, or both?

  398. Nakeema says:

    With all your books being released as paper backs will there be movies next because I would love to see Allure and The Vamp Chronicles as well as many others on the big screen I would pay anything to see that love the books every last single one of them keep up the great work you have just beat out Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rolling as my favorite author and have you ever thought about writing a book about mermaids. I love the thought f them and would love to see how you come up with a story to fit them

    • Jen says:

      I asked the same question 3 months ago & never recieved a response. My guess is we’ll have to wait until they have been rereleased through the new publisher. Possibly spring/summer this year.

  399. Kayla says:

    Christin it’s been 2 years since you said you were going to make the last of the series, you said you wanted to make the last book the best but can’t you just separate the two and make last two books if your having real writers block I’m sorry to say this but I’m not very interested in this series anymore sorry but this other girl said for us the people saying something not to ruin it but when will she say she’s been waiting too long..

  400. Trenya says:

    Christin are you no longer in charge of the vamp chronicles? im confused does that mean that your not writing or someone else is… if so why i know some people, and i myself have been pestering you with releasing the book but its because we love it.

    • christinlovell says:

      Sorry for any confusion. The titles have been signed over to a publisher. I am still the sole author/writer of the series, however, I have no control over release dates for the series. They set release dates, and handle all distribution. The moment they let me know anything, I will pass along the information. 🙂

  401. Mel says:

    I need the next book! It’s been way too long! And I’m also really sad cause you took the books off of the amazon kindle store 😦 which means I can’t even get the dude books anymore 😥

  402. Marchelle says:

    It’s getting a bit ridiculous now waiting for the last book in this series especially since it was supposed to release in 2013 and it’s now 2015. Love this series but as with any series that takes this long to put out another book I am beginning to loose interest.

    • Elizabeth Anderson says:

      I dont know if I’m even going to read the last book anymore, with the series being rewritten it will be on a different track than before, and I do not was to buy ALL the books AGAIN. That would be a waste of my money to an author who does not respect her fans. I was so into these books but each time the release date has been moved my interest has diminished, and my irratation has grown. Christin is a fabulous writer, but business skills, and engagement strategies are lacking. I doubt even Harry Potter fans wouldn’t have waited this long for Heathly Hallows….

  403. Melvin James Haspect says:

    you mad a big mistake by going to a publisher with these books know not only i cant read them because there where on kobo and know there not now I cant finish the series because I wont get them in store

  404. kayralee visswe says:

    i fell in love with lexi and her story sadly I am not able to get the second book on my ereader I have tried everything…. any advice??

  405. Jessica says:

    I’m completely obsessed with this series!! I was wondering when “The Break of Dawn” is going to be released? I haven’t heard any news on it so I was scared that the book wasn’t going to be made. And what is re-realeasing? Will it change the books you already made for this series?

  406. Summer says:

    I still sit on the edge on my seat for the last book to be released… It may be two years of waiting but as soon as its released I’m buying it!

  407. Shelby Dailey says:

    So, I’m not 100% sure why I am commenting here since I know there is a slim to none chance that you will actually see this in a timely fashion. I guess I am just holding onto the hope that you will actually read this and answer the questions that I have. First off, you have taken off all of the titles and signed them over to Permuted Press. When (or if) they are re-released, will all of your loyal customers that have already purchased the books have to re-buy them? Second, your release dates on your website say that we should expect these titles in 2015. Well, it’s December and we still have no word on this yet. Now don’t get me wrong, I realize that you don’t have control over the release dates but I’m not about to believe that you don’t know when they are being published or that your publisher does not talk to you. Is there possibly a link that I could be given because maybe Permuted Press is better at informing the customers than you? Also, you mentioned that we don’t understand that it may take publishers 1-3 years to publish a book but that’s not true at all. Sure, we may not completely understand the process but when an author has taken so long to publish a book when it was supposed to be published about 3 years ago, it’s safe to say we get a little angry that you are publishing about 20 titles around Christmas and many other novels throughout the year. I’m sorry if this seems really rude and I realize that you are busy but I’m just tired of being disappointed that this series isn’t going to be finished. I would at least like to be notified if I’m never going to read the ending of this book.

  408. deathnote17 says:

    I think that you suck. I loved these books and now I can’t even get the 4th one. As far as I’m concerned you just lost a customer. I will not be buying ANY of your books anymore. Have a nice life.

  409. Rachel R. says:

    Hi Christin I’ve really enjoyed this series and I’ve been waiting for idk how many years for the 7th book the break of dawn and I was wondering if it’s ever going to be published I’ve ready all six and the In between short books over five times waiting , I was just curious if I’ll ever get to know the ending to the series.
    – sincerely
    A crazy bookworm lol

  410. Vanessa garzon says:

    Hi i read the first book a couple years ago and I’m trying to find it again because it was so good I wanted to reread it and finish the whole series but it seems that I cant find it at all and now it’s 2016 and Ive seen that your books are now in the hands of the publisher do you know if there are going to get published at all if not is there another way I will be able to read them. I don’t know if you’re going to see this or not but it would be great if you replied because I just really want to read your books because the first one was so good thank you

  411. Alexes says:

    Hi Christin! I keep rereading the books in the series because I love them and so I can stay fresh for whern you release the final book. I don’t know if you even still check these comments or if you’re still working on the book. If you are I’m stil patiently waiting. If you aren’t could you tell us so we can stop waiting? The suspense is killing me! Anyways, that’s it, I hope everything is okay with you!

  412. Evelin says:

    I know it’s been a few years but, what”s going on with this series? I have books 1-3 on my kindle and now I can’t finish the story because it’s not on th store anymore, I can’t find them anywhere! I understand you gave them to a publisher but it’s been several YEARS. will I ever get to finish Lexi”s story? am I never going to know the end?

  413. Gabrielle says:

    Hi! I just wanted to know of you had a release date yet for your last book. I heard it’s on Kindle amd if so, can you please share the link with me?? I’m a huge fan and I’ve been waiting so long for this!

  414. Haley says:

    This series is honestly amazing. I first found these books when I was a freshman, I read them on my school I pad, and I fell in love. The end of my freshman year they completly erases everything on all the iPads and when I came back from summer I wanted to read it again, and I couldn’t find it. I am now a senior and have finally found the book series again with the help of my mom, and I have been so happy the last 2 days that I’ve actually concerned my family 😂😂. You’re a amazing author and I am blown away at you writing style

  415. Saoirse says:

    Can someone please tell me where I can buy these books? I’ve read the first 4 over and over again. I bought them about 5 or 6 years ago on Amazon and I’m going crazy trying to find out what happens next!

  416. Lulabelle says:

    hello! So I’m rereading the story on my kindle and found out that there are two other books but I can’t seem to find them. I’m looking for vigilante and the break of dawn. Can anyone tell me where I can buy these books? Please and thank you!

  417. Kyleigh says:

    So, I started reading these books in middle school, and I’m now about to graduate high school. Is the last book ever gonna come out. I honestly don’t even care that much about the series anymore, I just want to know what happens so I can put it behind me and move on with my life. So, yeah, it’s been 3 years since you said they would be updated, so what’s going on?

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